The attribute definitions and descriptions below are largely quoted
directly from the Census guides to the public use microdata files,
with some adaptations for the simpler categories used for population
synthesis [43,44,46].
- AGEP: Age.
Refers to age at last birthday (as of the census reference date, June 3,
1986). This variable is derived from date of birth.
- 15-17.
- 18-19.
- 20-24.
- 25-34.
- 35-44.
- 45-54.
- 55-64.
- 65 or older.
- CFSTAT: Census family status and living arrangements.
Refers to the classification of the population into family and non-family persons. Family persons are household members who belong to a
census family (who live in the same dwelling and have a husband-wife or
parent-never-married child relationship). Non-family persons are
household members who do not belong to a census family. These categories
can be further broken down as indicated by the classes below. (For
complete definition of census family status and living arrangements, see
1986 Census Dictionary.)
- Husband, wife or common-law partner.
- Child in husband-wife family.
- Lone parent.
- Child in a lone-parent family.
- Non-family person living with others.
- Non-family person living alone.
- Not applicable. Includes persons in collectives, persons in households
outside Canada and temporary residents
- HLOSP: Highest level of schooling.
Refers to the highest grade or year of elementary or secondary school
attended, or the highest year of university or other non-university
completed. University education is considered to be above other non-university. Also, the attainment of a degree, certificate or diploma is
considered to be at a higher level than years completed or attended
without an educational qualification.
- Less than Grade 9. Includes no schooling or kindergarten only.
- Grades 9-13.
- Secondary (high) school graduation certificate.
- Trades certificate or diploma; or other non-university education only, with
trades certificate or diploma.
- Other non-university education only, without trades or other
non-university certificate or diploma.
- Other non-university education only, with other non-university
certificate or diploma.
- University without certificate, diploma or degree.
- University with certificate or diploma. Includes trade certificates,
other non-university certificate and university certificate below bachelor
- University with bachelor's degree or higher. Includes university
certificate above bachelor level.
- LFACT: Labour force activity.
Refers to the labour market activity of the population 15 years of age
and over, excluding institutional residents, who, in the week prior to
enumeration (June 3, 1986) were Employed, Unemployed or Not in the
Labour Force.
Special note:
the census labour force activity concepts have not changed between 1981
and 1986. However, the processing of the data was modified causing some
differences. In the 1986 Census, contrary to previous censuses, a
question on school attendance was not asked. This question was used to
edit the labour force activity variable, specifically unemployment.
Consequently, the processing differences affect the unemployment
population and are mostly concentrated among the 15-19-year age group.
- Employed. The Employed include those persons who, during the week prior
to enumeration:
- did any work at all excluding housework or other maintenance or
repairs around the home and volunteer work; or
- were absent from their jobs or businesses because of own temporary
illness or disability, vacation, labour dispute at their place of work,
or were absent for other reasons.
- Unemployed. The Unemployed include those persons who, during the week prior to
- were without work, had actively looked for work in the past four
weeks and were available for work; or
- had been on lay-off and expected to return to their job; or
- had definite arrangements to start a new job in four weeks or less.
- Not in Labour Force (last worked in 1985-1986).
The Not in Labour Force classification refers to those persons who, in
the week prior to enumeration, were unwilling or unable to offer or
supply their labour services under conditions existing in their labour
markets. It includes persons who looked for work during the last four
weeks but who were not available to start work in the reference week, as
well as persons who did not work, did not have a new job to start in
four weeks or less, were not on temporary lay-off or did not look for
work in the four weeks prior to enumeration.
- Not in Labour Force (last worked prior to 1985, or never worked).
- OCC81P: Occupation, 1980 classification basis.
This refers to the kind of work the person was doing during the
reference week, as determined by their reporting of their kind of work
and the description of the most important duties. If the person did not
have a job during the week prior to enumeration, the data relate to the
job of longest duration since January 1, 1985. Persons with two or more
jobs were to report the information for the job at which they worked the
most hours.
- Managerial, administrative and related occupations. Includes major group 11
- Occupations in natural sciences, engineering and mathematics. Includes
major group 21
- Occupations in social sciences and related fields. Includes major group
- Teaching and related occupations. Includes major group 27
- Occupations in medicine and health. Includes major group 31
- Artistic, literary, recreational and related occupations. Includes
major group 33
- Clerical and related occupations. Includes major group 41
- Sales occupations. Includes major group 51
- Service occupations. Includes major group 61
- Farming, horticultural and animal husbandry occupations, and
other primary occupations. Includes major groups 71, 73, 75 and 77
- Processing occupations. Includes major group 81/82
- Machining and product fabricating, assembling & repairing
occupations. Includes major groups 83 and 85
- Construction trades occupations. Includes major group 87
- Transport equipment operating occupations. Includes major group 91
- Other occupations. Includes major groups 25, 93, 95, 99
- Not applicable. Includes persons who have not worked since January 1, 1985.
- SEXP: Sex.
Refers to the gender of the respondent.
- Female.
- Male.
- TOTINCP: Total income.
Refers to the total money income received by individuals 15 years of age
and over during the calendar year 1985 from the sources listed below.
- Wages and Salaries.
Refers to gross wages and salaries before deductions for such items as
income tax, pensions, unemployment insurance, etc. Included in this
source are military pay and allowances, tips, commissions, cash bonuses
as well as all types of casual earnings in calendar year 1985. All
income “in kind” such as free board and lodging is excluded.
- Net Non-farm Self-employment Income.
Refers to net income (gross receipts minus expenses of operation such as
wages, rents, depreciation, etc.) received during calendar year 1985
from the respondent's non-farm unincorporated business or professional
practice. In the case of a partnership, only the respondent's share was
to be reported. Also included is net income from persons baby-sitting in
their own homes, operators of direct distributorships such as selling
and delivering cosmetics, as well as from free-lance activities of
artists, writers, music teachers, hairdressers, dressmakers, etc.
- Net Farm Self-employment Income.
Refers to net income (gross receipts from farm sales minus depreciation
and cost of operation) received during calendar year 1985 from the
operation of a farm, either on own account or in partnership. In the
case of partnerships, only the respondent's share of income was to be
reported. Also included are advance, supplementary or assistance
payments to farmers by federal or provincial governments. However, the
value of income “in kind”, such as agricultural products produced and
consumed on the farm is excluded.
- Family Allowances.
Refers to total allowances paid in calendar year 1985 by the federal and
provincial governments in respect of dependent children under 18 years
of age. These allowances, though not collected directly from the
respondents, were calculated and included in the income of one of the
- Federal Child Tax Credits.
Refers to federal child tax credits paid in calendar year 1985 by the
federal government in respect of dependent children under 18 years of
No information was collected from the respondents on
child tax credits. Instead, these were calculated in the course of
processing and assigned, where applicable, to one of the parents in the
census family on the basis of information on children in the family and
the family income.
- Old Age Security Pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement.
Refers to old age security pensions and guaranteed income supplements
paid to persons 65 years of age and over, and spouses' allowances paid
to 60 to 64 year-old spouses of old age security recipients by the
federal government only during calendar year 1985. Also included are
extended spouses' allowances paid to 60 to 64 year-old widows/widowers
whose spouse was an old age security pension recipient.
- Benefits from Canada or Quebec Pension Plan.
Refers to benefits received in calendar year 1985 under the Canada or
Quebec Pension Plan, e.g., retirement pensions, survivors' benefits,
disability pensions. Does not include retirement pensions of civil
servants, RCMP and military personnel or lump-sum death benefits.
- Benefits from Unemployment Insurance.
Refers to total unemployment insurance benefits received in calendar
year 1985, before income tax deductions. It includes benefits for
sickness, maternity, fishing, work sharing, retraining and retirement
received under the Federal Unemployment Insurance program.
- Other Income from Government Sources.
Refers to all transfer payments, excluding those covered as a separate
income source (family allowances, federal child tax credits, old age
security pensions and guaranteed income supplements, Canada/Quebec
Pension Plan benefits and unemployment insurance benefits) received from
federal, provincial or municipal programs in calendar year 1985.
This source includes transfer payments received by persons in need such
as mothers with dependent children, persons temporarily or permanently
unable to work, elderly individuals, the blind and the disabled.
Included are provincial income supplement payments to seniors to
supplement old age security and guaranteed income supplement and
provincial payments to seniors to help offset accommodation costs. Also
included are other transfer payments such as for training under the
National Training Program (NTP), veterans' pensions, war veterans'
allowance, pensions to widows and dependants of veterans, workers'
compensation, etc. Additionally, provincial tax credits and allowances
claimed on the income tax return are included.
- Dividends and Interest on Bonds, Deposits and Savings Certificates,
and Other Investment Income.
Refers to interest received in calendar year 1985 from deposits in
banks, trust companies, co-operatives, credit unions, caisses
populaires, etc., as well as interest on savings certificates, bonds and
debentures and all dividends from both Canadian and foreign stocks. Also
included is other investment income from either Canadian or foreign
sources such as net rents from real estate, mortgage and loan interest
received, regular income from an estate or trust fund, and interest from
insurance policies.
- Retirement Pensions, Superannuation and Annuities.
Refers to all regular income received during calendar year 1985 as the
result of having been a member of a pension plan of one or more
employers. It includes payments received from all annuities, including
payments from a mature registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) in the
form of a life annuity, a fixed term annuity, a registered retirement
income fund or an income-averaging annuity contract; pensions paid to
widows or other relatives or deceased pensioners; pensions of retired
civil servants, Armed Forces personnel and RCMP officers; annuity
payments received from the Canadian Government Annuities Fund, an
insurance company, etc. Does not include lump-sum death benefits, lump-sum benefits or withdrawals from a pension plan or RRSP or refunds of
- Other Money Income.
Refers to regular cash income received during calendar year 1985 and not
reported in any of the other nine sources listed on the questionnaire,
e.g., alimony, child support, periodic support from other persons not in
the household, net income from roomers and boarders, income from abroad
(except dividends and interest), non-refundable scholarships and
bursaries, severance pay, royalties, strike pay.
- Receipts Not Counted as Income.
Gambling gains and losses, money inherited during the year in a lump
sum, capital gains or losses, receipts from the sale of property or
personal belongings, income tax refunds, loan payments received, loans
repaid to an individual as the lender, lump sum settlements of insurance
policies, rebates of property taxes and other taxes, and refunds of
pension contributions were excluded as well as all income in kind such
as free meals, living accommodation, or food and fuel produced on own
Individuals immigrating to Canada in 1986 have zero income.
Also, because of response problems, all individuals in Hutterite
colonies were assigned zero income. Furthermore, data on households,
economic families, unattached individuals, census families and non-family persons relate to private households only.
- Negative income.
- $0.
- $1-$999.
- $1,000-$2,999.
- $3,000-$4,999.
- $5,000-$6,999.
- $7,000-$9,999.
- $10,000-$14,999.
- $15,000-$19,999.
- $20,000-$24,999.
- $25,000-$29,999.
- $30,000-$34,999.
- $35,000 or more.
- CTCODE: Census Tract.
Census Tract number
731 different identifying codes.
- AGEF: Age of wife or female lone parent.
Refers to age at last birthday (as of the census reference date, June 3,
1986). This variable is derived from date of birth.
- 15-17.
- 18-19.
- 20-24.
- 25-34.
- 35-44.
- 45-54.
- 55-64.
- 65 or older.
- Not applicable. Includes male lone-parent families.
- AGEM: Age of husband or male lone parent.
Refers to age at last birthday (as of the census reference date, June 3,
1986). This variable is derived from date of birth.
- 15-17.
- 18-19.
- 20-24.
- 25-34.
- 35-44.
- 45-54.
- 55-64.
- 65 or older.
- Not applicable. Includes female lone-parent families.
- CFSIZE: Number of persons in census family.
Refers to the classification of census families by the number of persons
in the family.
- Two persons.
- Three persons.
- Four persons.
- Five persons.
- Six persons.
- Seven persons.
- Eight or more persons.
- CFSTRUC: Census family structure.
Refers to the classification of census families into husband-wife
families (with or without children present) and lone-parent families by
sex of parent.
The category 'Without children present' for 1986 includes all childless
husband-wife families as well as husband-wife families with children no
longer at home. In 1981, these two categories were exclusive.
- Husband-wife family.
- Lone female parent.
- Lone male parent.
- CHILDA: Number of children in census family at home under 6
years of age.
- None.
- One child.
- Two or more children.
- CHILDB: Number of children in census family at home 6 to 14
years of age.
- None.
- One child.
- Two children.
- Three or more children.
- CHILDC: Number of children in census family at home 15 to 17
years of age.
- None.
- One child.
- Two or more children.
- CHILDDE: Number of children in census family at home 18 to
24 years of age and 25 years of age or over.
- No children 18 to 24, no children 25 or over.
- One child 18 to 24, no children 25 or over.
- Two or more children 18 to 24, no children 25 or over.
- No children 18 to 24, one child 25 or over.
- One child 18 to 24, one child 25 or over.
- Two or more children 18 to 24, one child 25 or over.
- No children 18 to 24, two or more children 25 or over.
- One child 18 to 24, two or more children 25 or over.
- Two or more children 18 to 24, two or more children 25 or over.
- HHNUMCF: Number of census families in household.
- One census family.
- Two or more census families.
- LFACTF: Labour force activity of wife or female lone parent.
Refers to the labour market activity of the wife or female lone parent,
who, in the week prior to
enumeration (June 3, 1986) were Employed, Unemployed or Not in the
Labour Force.
Special note:
the census labour force activity concepts have not changed between 1981
and 1986. However, the processing of the data was modified causing some
differences. In the 1986 Census, contrary to previous censuses, a
question on school attendance was not asked. This question was used to
edit the labour force activity variable, specifically unemployment.
Consequently, the processing differences affect the unemployment
population and are mostly concentrated among the 15-19-year age group.
- Employed. The Employed include those persons who, during the week prior
to enumeration:
- did any work at all excluding housework or other maintenance or
repairs around the home and volunteer work; or
- were absent from their jobs or businesses because of own temporary
illness or disability, vacation, labour dispute at their place of work,
or were absent for other reasons.
- Unemployed. The Unemployed include those persons who, during the week prior to
- were without work, had actively looked for work in the past four
weeks and were available for work; or
- had been on lay-off and expected to return to their job; or
- had definite arrangements to start a new job in four weeks or less.
- Not in Labour Force (last worked in 1985-1986).
The Not in Labour Force classification refers to those persons who, in
the week prior to enumeration, were unwilling or unable to offer or
supply their labour services under conditions existing in their labour
markets. It includes persons who looked for work during the last four
weeks but who were not available to start work in the reference week, as
well as persons who did not work, did not have a new job to start in
four weeks or less, were not on temporary lay-off or did not look for
work in the four weeks prior to enumeration.
- Not in Labour Force (last worked prior to 1985, or never worked).
- Not applicable. Includes male lone parent families.
- LFACTM: Labour force activity of husband or male lone parent.
Refers to the labour market activity of the husband or male lone parent,
who, in the week prior to
enumeration (June 3, 1986) were Employed, Unemployed or Not in the
Labour Force.
Special note:
the census labour force activity concepts have not changed between 1981
and 1986. However, the processing of the data was modified causing some
differences. In the 1986 Census, contrary to previous censuses, a
question on school attendance was not asked. This question was used to
edit the labour force activity variable, specifically unemployment.
Consequently, the processing differences affect the unemployment
population and are mostly concentrated among the 15-19-year age group.
- Employed. The Employed include those persons who, during the week prior
to enumeration:
- did any work at all excluding housework or other maintenance or
repairs around the home and volunteer work; or
- were absent from their jobs or businesses because of own temporary
illness or disability, vacation, labour dispute at their place of work,
or were absent for other reasons.
- Unemployed. The Unemployed include those persons who, during the week prior to
- were without work, had actively looked for work in the past four
weeks and were available for work; or
- had been on lay-off and expected to return to their job; or
- had definite arrangements to start a new job in four weeks or less.
- Not in Labour Force (last worked in 1985-1986).
The Not in Labour Force classification refers to those persons who, in
the week prior to enumeration, were unwilling or unable to offer or
supply their labour services under conditions existing in their labour
markets. It includes persons who looked for work during the last four
weeks but who were not available to start work in the reference week, as
well as persons who did not work, did not have a new job to start in
four weeks or less, were not on temporary lay-off or did not look for
work in the four weeks prior to enumeration.
- Not in Labour Force (last worked prior to 1985, or never worked).
- Not applicable. Includes female lone parent families.
- NUCHILD: Number of children in census family at home.
- None.
- One child.
- Two children.
- Three children.
- Four children.
- Five children.
- Six children.
- Seven children.
- Eight or more children.
- ROOM: Number of rooms.
Refers to the number of rooms in a dwelling. A room is an enclosed
area within a dwelling which is finished and suitable for year-round
- 1 room.
- 2 rooms.
- 3 rooms.
- 4 rooms.
- 5 rooms.
- 6 rooms.
- 7 rooms.
- 8 rooms.
- 9 rooms.
- 10 or more rooms.
- TENURE: Tenure.
Refers to whether some member of the household owns or rents the dwelling.
- Owned (with or without mortgage).
- Rented (for cash, other). Includes families and non-family persons who
rent their dwellings and reserve dwellings.
- CTCODE: Census Tract.
Census Tract number
731 different identifying codes
- BUILTH: Period of construction.
Refers to the period in time during which the building or dwelling was
originally constructed.
- 1920 or before.
- 1921-1945.
- 1946-1960.
- 1961-1970.
- 1971-1975.
- 1976-1980.
- 1981-1986. Includes the first five months only of 1986.
- DTYPEH: Structural type of dwelling.
Refers to the structural characteristics and/or dwelling configuration,
that is, whether the dwelling is a detached single house, apartment,
- Single-detached house.
- Apartment in a building that has five or more storeys.
- Apartment in a building that has less than five storeys.
- Semi-detached house.
- Apartment or flat in a detached duplex; row house or other single
attached house.
- Mobile and other movable.
- HHNUEF: Number of economic families in household.
Refers to the presence and number of economic families in
the household. An economic family is defined as a group of
individuals sharing a common dwelling unit and related by
blood, marriage, adoption or common law.
- None.
- One or more economic families.
- HHNUMCF: Number of census families in household.
- None.
- One census family.
- Two or more census families.
- HHSIZE: Household size.
Refers to the total number of
persons in a private household.
- One.
- Two.
- Three.
- Four.
- Five.
- Six.
- Seven.
- Eight or more persons.
- PAYH: Monthly gross rent or owner's monthly major payments.
Refers to the total average monthly payments paid by tenant or owner households
to secure shelter. Owner's major payments include payments for electricity,
oil, gas, coal, wood or other fuels, water and other municipal services,
monthly mortgage payments, and property taxes (municipal and school).
- $0-$199.
- $200-$399.
- $400-$699.
- $700-$999.
- $1000 or more.
- PPERROOM: Number of persons per room.
- 0-0.5.
- 0.6-1.0.
- 1.1-1.5.
- 1.6-2.0.
- 2.1 or more.
- ROOM: Number of rooms.
Refers to the number of rooms in a dwelling. A room is an enclosed
area within a dwelling which is finished and suitable for year-round
- 1 room.
- 2 rooms.
- 3 rooms.
- 4 rooms.
- 5 rooms.
- 6 rooms.
- 7 rooms.
- 8 rooms.
- 9 rooms.
- 10 or more rooms.
- TENURH: Tenure.
Refers to whether some member of the household owns or rents the dwelling.
- Owned (with or without mortgage).
- Rented (for cash, other). Includes families and non-family persons who
rent their dwellings and reserve dwellings.
- CTCODE: Census Tract.
Census Tract number
731 different identifying codes.