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Samaras et al. [11] describe an improved stereo algorithm incorporating shape-from-shading that works with surfaces of variable albedo. This technique might prove useful for improving the depth data acquisition.
In this work, (u,v) co-ordinates were only measured for the grid vertices. However, interpolated (u,v) co-ordinates could be used for all other depth samples, giving a complete depth map with (u,v) information. In this case, the (u,v) co-ordinates would be more unreliable, since minor features such as wrinkles and creases would not be accounted for; however, the finer geometry might still be useful.
Using the (u,v) values found here, one could also measure actual stretch, shear and bend distributions over the cloth. It may also be possible to infer the most likely parameters for a given cloth simulator given this data and a suitable experimental setup.