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freecloth::GeVector Class Reference

A class for 3D vectors. More...

#include <freecloth/geom/geVector.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GeVector (Float x, Float y, Float z)
 GeVector (const GePoint &p1, const GePoint &p2)
 Construct a vector from p2-p1.

GeVector & operator+= (const GeVector &)
GeVector & operator-= (const GeVector &)
GeVector & operator+= (Float)
GeVector & operator-= (Float)
GeVector & operator *= (Float)
GeVector & operator/= (Float)
GeVector operator- () const
GeVector operator+ (const GeVector &) const
GeVector operator- (const GeVector &) const
GeVector operator+ (Float) const
GeVector operator- (Float) const
GeVector operator * (Float) const
GeVector operator/ (Float) const
bool operator== (const GeVector &) const
bool operator!= (const GeVector &) const
Float operator[] (UInt32) const
Float & operator[] (UInt32)
Float dot (const GeVector &) const
 Dot product.

GeVector cross (const GeVector &) const
 Cross product.

Float length () const
 Vector length (L2 norm).

Float squaredLength () const
Float infinityNorm () const

bool isUnit () const
GeVector getUnit () const
Float getAngle (const GeVector &) const

Static Public Member Functions

const GeVector & axis (UInt32 idx)
 Retrieve vector for x,y,z axis given 0,1,2.

Public Attributes

Float _x
Float _y
Float _z

Static Public Attributes

const GeVector ZERO
const GeVector X
const GeVector Y
const GeVector Z

Detailed Description

A class for 3D vectors.

In keeping with the principles of affine spaces, we distinguish between vectors and points, which represent direction and position, respectively.

Definition at line 41 of file geVector.h.

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Generated on Wed Apr 23 15:58:47 2003 for Freecloth by doxygen1.3-rc3