freecloth::BaMath | Container for a variety of useful mathematics functions |
freecloth::BaStringUtil | Utilities for manipulating strings |
freecloth::BaTime | Basic measurement of time |
freecloth::BendVars | Variables used in bend force computation |
freecloth::CommonVars | Variables common to stretch and shear force computation |
freecloth::GeMatrix3 | A simple 3x3 matrix class |
freecloth::GeMatrix4 | A simple 4x4 matrix class |
freecloth::GeMesh | A class for triangle meshes |
freecloth::GeMesh::Face | A private data structure used to store information associated with mesh faces |
freecloth::GeMesh::FaceConstIterator | Iterator for faces, using the FaceWrapper facade |
freecloth::GeMesh::FaceWrapper | Facade class for access to face data, while drawing on information from the vertex and texture vertex arrays |
freecloth::GeMeshBuilder | Class to construct a GeMesh object |
freecloth::GeMeshTypes | A class to collect a few common typedefs |
freecloth::GeMeshWingedEdge | Add-on for GeMesh class to store winged-edge data structure |
freecloth::GeMeshWingedEdge::EdgeIteratorBase< HALF > | Class for both edge and halfedge iterators |
freecloth::GeMeshWingedEdge::HalfEdge | Half-edge data structure. This is a private class, only used for data storage. The HalfEdgeWrapper class is a facade that is exposed to clients |
freecloth::GeMeshWingedEdge::HalfEdgeWrapper | Facade class for access to half edge data, while drawing on information from the vertex and texture vertex arrays |
freecloth::GeMeshWingedEdge::VertexEdgeIteratorBase< HALF > | Class for both edge and halfedge iterators touching a vertex |
freecloth::GeMeshWingedEdge::VertexFaceIterator | Class for iterating over faces touching a vertex |
freecloth::GePoint | A class for 3D points |
freecloth::GePoint::CompX | Comparison functors for sorting or working with points |
freecloth::GePoint::CompY | Comparison functors for sorting or working with points |
freecloth::GePoint::CompZ | Comparison functors for sorting or working with points |
freecloth::GeVector | A class for 3D vectors |
freecloth::RCBase | Base class for reference-counted objects |
freecloth::RCShdPtr< T > | Reference-counted shared smart pointer |
freecloth::RCShdPtrBase | Base class for reference counted smart pointer |
freecloth::ResConfig | Application configuration data |
freecloth::ResConfigRegistryR | Interface for configuration reading |
freecloth::ResConfigRegistryW | Interface for configuration writing |
freecloth::ShearVars | Variables used in shear force computation |
freecloth::SimMatrix | Sparse matrix class |
freecloth::SimMatrix::Element | Entry in a sparse matrix |
freecloth::SimMatrix::Row | Row in a sparse matrix |
freecloth::SimSimulator | An implementation of Baraff & Witkin's cloth simulation algorithm |
freecloth::SimSimulator::Params | Parameters for cloth simulator, as described in [BarWit98] |
freecloth::SimVector | Dense vector class |