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Freecloth Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
freecloth::BaMathContainer for a variety of useful mathematics functions
freecloth::BaStringUtilUtilities for manipulating strings
freecloth::BaTimeBasic measurement of time
freecloth::BendVarsVariables used in bend force computation
freecloth::CommonVarsVariables common to stretch and shear force computation
freecloth::GeMatrix3A simple 3x3 matrix class
freecloth::GeMatrix4A simple 4x4 matrix class
freecloth::GeMeshA class for triangle meshes
freecloth::GeMesh::FaceA private data structure used to store information associated with mesh faces
freecloth::GeMesh::FaceConstIteratorIterator for faces, using the FaceWrapper facade
freecloth::GeMesh::FaceWrapperFacade class for access to face data, while drawing on information from the vertex and texture vertex arrays
freecloth::GeMeshBuilderClass to construct a GeMesh object
freecloth::GeMeshTypesA class to collect a few common typedefs
freecloth::GeMeshWingedEdgeAdd-on for GeMesh class to store winged-edge data structure
freecloth::GeMeshWingedEdge::EdgeIteratorBase< HALF >Class for both edge and halfedge iterators
freecloth::GeMeshWingedEdge::HalfEdgeHalf-edge data structure. This is a private class, only used for data storage. The HalfEdgeWrapper class is a facade that is exposed to clients
freecloth::GeMeshWingedEdge::HalfEdgeWrapperFacade class for access to half edge data, while drawing on information from the vertex and texture vertex arrays
freecloth::GeMeshWingedEdge::VertexEdgeIteratorBase< HALF >Class for both edge and halfedge iterators touching a vertex
freecloth::GeMeshWingedEdge::VertexFaceIteratorClass for iterating over faces touching a vertex
freecloth::GePointA class for 3D points
freecloth::GePoint::CompXComparison functors for sorting or working with points
freecloth::GePoint::CompYComparison functors for sorting or working with points
freecloth::GePoint::CompZComparison functors for sorting or working with points
freecloth::GeVectorA class for 3D vectors
freecloth::RCBaseBase class for reference-counted objects
freecloth::RCShdPtr< T >Reference-counted shared smart pointer
freecloth::RCShdPtrBaseBase class for reference counted smart pointer
freecloth::ResConfigApplication configuration data
freecloth::ResConfigRegistryRInterface for configuration reading
freecloth::ResConfigRegistryWInterface for configuration writing
freecloth::ShearVarsVariables used in shear force computation
freecloth::SimMatrixSparse matrix class
freecloth::SimMatrix::ElementEntry in a sparse matrix
freecloth::SimMatrix::RowRow in a sparse matrix
freecloth::SimSimulatorAn implementation of Baraff & Witkin's cloth simulation algorithm
freecloth::SimSimulator::ParamsParameters for cloth simulator, as described in [BarWit98]
freecloth::SimVectorDense vector class

Generated on Wed Apr 23 15:58:46 2003 for Freecloth by doxygen1.3-rc3