david pritchard. bibliography.

Keyword: "intermodal"

[1] J.T. Doolittle and E.K. Porter. Integration of bicycles and transit. TCRP Synthesis 4, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., USA, 1994. [ bib ]
Keywords: bicycle planning, intermodal, transit
[2] Karel Martens. The bicycle as a feedering mode: experiences from three European countries. Transportation Research D, 9(4):281-294, 2004. [ bib ]
Bike-and-ride, or the combined use of bicycle and public transport for one trip, is a multimodal alternative for the car. This paper discusses the use of bike-and-ride in three countries with widely differing bicycle cultures and infrastructures: the Netherlands, Germany and the UK. The share of the bicycle in access trips is comparable to general levels of bicycle ridership in each country, but only for train services and other fast modes of public transport. Strong similarities are found in the characteristics of bike-and-ride trips and users, in terms of travel distances, travel motives, and the impact of car availability. The majority of bike-and-ride users travels between 2 and 5 km to a public transport stop, with longer access distances reported for faster modes of public transport. Work and education are the main travel motives, with the first dominating the faster modes and the second the slower modes of public transport. Car availability hardly influences the choice for a combined use of bicycle and train, but strongly affects the levels of bike-and-ride for slower modes of transport.

Keywords: bicycle planning, intermodal
[3] Karel Martens. Promoting bike-and-ride: the Dutch experience. Transportation Research A, 41(4):326-338, May 2007. [ bib ]
The number of policy initiatives to promote the use of bike-and-ride, or the combined use of bicycle and public transport for one trip, has grown considerably over the past decade as part of the search for more sustainable transport solutions. This paper discusses the experiences with, and impacts of, such initiatives in the Netherlands. The Dutch measures to promote bicycle use in access trips have been generally successful. A country-wide program to upgrade regular and secure bicycle parking at train stations has led to an increase in user satisfaction and a growth in bicycles parked at stations. Smaller programs to stimulate the combined use of bike-and-bus have resulted in an increase in bicycle use, bus use, and share of infrequent bus passengers. Bicycle lockers at bus stops are hardly used by bus passengers, due in part to the dominance of students among bus users as well as the relatively high price of lockers in comparison to the value of bicycles used for access trips. Measures to promote the use of the bicycle in egress trips have met with more varying results. Projects to introduce leasing bicycles for egress trips have failed to attract passengers, for both train and bus services. In contrast, the introduction of flexible rental bicycles at train stations has resulted in a small reduction in car use, growth in train trips, and growth in bicycle use for non-recurrent trips. The Dutch experiences suggest some lessons for promoting bike-and-ride in countries and cities with a less well-developed bicycle infrastructure.

Keywords: bicycle planning, transit, intermodal
[4] Michael D. Meyer. Jumpstarting the move toward multimodal planning. Transportation Research Circular, 406, April 1993. [ bib ]
Keywords: transport planning, intermodal
[5] Michael Replogle and H. Parcells. Linking bicycle/pedestrian facilities with transit. Technical report, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C., USA, 1992. [ bib ]
Keywords: bicycle planning, pedestrian planning, intermodal
[6] Piet Rietveld. The accessibility of railway stations: the role of the bicycle in the Netherlands. Transportation Research D, 5(1):71-75, January 2000. [ bib ]
The market potential of railway services depends on the quality of the total chain from residence to place of activity. In The Netherlands where natural conditions and infrastructure are conducive, the bicycle is a potentially attractive access mode for railways since it allows travellers to avoid waiting at bus, metro or tram stops. Especially at the home end the bicycle appears to play a large role as an access mode with a share of 35%. At the activity end the share is much shorter. Implications are discussed for policies aiming at increasing the share of multimodal trips. Also physical planning implications are considered.

Keywords: bicycle planning, transit, intermodal
[7] Dean B. Taylor and Hani S. Mahmassani. Intermodal bicycle/transit mode choice: survey and nested logit choice model. Project 60056/465570, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA, 1996. [ bib ]
Keywords: bicycle planning, intermodal, transit
[8] Dean B. Taylor and Hani S. Mahmassani. Analysis of stated preferences for intermodal bicycle-transit interfaces. Transportation Research Record, 1556:86-95, 1997. [ bib ]
Keywords: bicycle planning, intermodal

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