david pritchard. bibliography.

Keyword: "geography"

[1] Brian J.L. Berry. Paradigm lost. Urban Geography, 23(5):441-445, 2002. [ bib ]
A curious slice of the history of geography as a discipline.
Keywords: geography
[2] Ron A. Boschma and Koen Frenken. Why is economic geography not an evolutionary science? towards and evolutionary economic geography. Journal of Economic Geography, 6(3):273-302, 2006. [ bib ]
Keywords: economics, geography, economic geography
[3] Larry S. Bourne. Recycling urban systems and metropolitan areas: a geographical agenda for the 1990s and beyond. Economic Geography, 67:185-209, 1991. [ bib ]
Keywords: geography, urban planning
[4] Larry S. Bourne. Self-fulfilling prophecies? decentralization, inner city decline, and the quality of urban life. Journal of the American Planning Association, 58(4):509-513, 1992. [ bib ]
Keywords: urban planning, geography
[5] Larry S. Bourne. Reurbanization, uneven urban development, and the debate on new urban forms. Urban Geography, 17(8):690-713, 1996. [ bib ]
Some interesting discussions on infill development. I found his description of centre-city abandonment interesting: “premature write-down of the existing built environment.” That particular economic spin on downtown decay summarizes my intuitive dislike for rundown centre city buildings. Consider a Victorian or Edwardian storefront in downtown Toronto: these are considered too expensive to build today in new neighbourhoods, and yet we let the existing stock of (valuable!) buildings decay in many parts of the city.

Bourne discusses an interesting model from Klaassen and van den Burg (over many papers). They characterize urban evolution in four stages: 1) urbanization; 2) outmigration; 3) disurbanization; and 4) reurbanization. It's an interesting breakdown for recent urban history, particularly in Canadian cities that are generally in phase four now.

Bourne also discusses the poor information/data available on single-lot infill sites in cities, and some strange strategies to combat urban decay, like Detroit's empowerment/enterprise zone in its centre.

Keywords: geography, urban form, urban planning
[6] Trudi Bunting and Pierre Filion, editors. Canadian Cities in Transition: The Twenty-First Century. Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2000. [ bib ]
Keywords: canada, urban planning, geography, transport planning, history, urban economics
[7] P. Cook. Back to the future: Modernity, postmodernity and locality. Unwin Hyman Ltd., London, UK, 1990. [ bib ]
Keywords: geography
[8] P.M. Coppack. An exploration of amenity and its role in the development of the urban field. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, 1985. [ bib ]
Keywords: urban planning, geography, canada
[9] R. Dowling. Neotraditionalism in the suburban landscape: Cultural geographies of exclusion in Vancouver, Canada. Urban Geography, 19(2):105-122, 1998. [ bib ]
Keywords: geography, canada
[10] Pierre Filion. Metropolitan planning objectives and implementation constraints: planning in a post-Fordist and postmodern age. Environment and Planning A, 28(9):1637-1660, 1996. [ bib ]
Planning faces the predicament that as recommendations become bolder possibilities for implementation deteriorate. This is imputed to society's transition from a Fordist and modern to a post-Fordist and postmodern era. On the one hand, postmodern values account for more public participation and heightened environmental sensitivity, which translate into proposals for alternative forms of urban development. On the other hand, the implementation of these proposals is impaired by reduced public sector resources as a result of the economic instability associated with post-Fordism. Another impediment is the difficulty to achieve sufficient support for planning objectives in the postmodern context. This context is marked by a fragmentation of values, attachment to the existing built environment, and suspicion between social groups. The empirical focus is on Toronto's bold metropolitan planning proposals. Most recent planning documents call for reurbanization efforts, a compact urban form, and reduced reliance on the car. In this paper I cast doubts, however, on the eventual actualization of these proposals by highlighting weaknesses in the present and anticipated implementation context. These are tied to factors that are specific to Toronto, but also to a greater extent to the post-Fordist and postmodern environment.

A few interesting ideas. He argues that the postmodern attachment of value to public participation and plural views could undermine processes aimed at changing suburban form to better accommodate plurality. He suggests that NIMBYism arises from suspicion between factions in a fractured society, and this will in turn hinder changes to existing urban form (infill, etc.) and favour greenfield development where such arguments can be avoided. In the light of his arguments, I find policies such as urban growth boundaries more appealing: they prevent greenfield alternatives and force NIMBYism to be confronted directly. Toronto already seems to be headed in this direction, as social housing projects are increasingly recognised as necessary and located in all wards, instead of being fought off by all wards.
Keywords: geography, urban planning, politics, canada, urban form
[11] Pierre Filion. Balancing concentration and dispersion? public policy and urban structure in Toronto. Environment and Planning C, 18:163-189, 2000. [ bib ]
An excellent, detached and comprehensive overview of postwar trends in the Toronto region. The hypothesis that Toronto may have “the best of both worlds” by having both dispersed and concentrated environments is an interesting one, although the retention of that status would require both realms to grow at similar rates, which has not been the trend in recent decades.
Keywords: canada, urban planning, geography, urban politics, toronto
[12] R. Fogelson. The Fragmented Metropolis: Los Angeles from 1850 to 1930. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 1967. [ bib ]
Keywords: geography, history, urban planning
[13] Gunter Gad. Office location dynamics in Toronto: suburbanization and central district specialization. Urban Geography, 6:331-351, 1985. [ bib ]
Keywords: location choice, urban planning, canada, geography
[14] Stephen Graham. Constructing premium network spaces. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24(1):182-200, 2000. [ bib | .pdf ]
Keywords: geography, transport planning
[15] Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin. Splintering Urbanism. Routledge, London, UK, 2001. [ bib ]
Keywords: geography, transport planning
[16] S. Guy, Stephen Graham, and Simon Marvin. Splintering networks: cities and technical networks in 1990s Britain. Urban Studies, 34(2):191-216, 1997. [ bib ]
Keywords: geography
[17] Brita Hermelin. Location of professional business services. European Urban and Regional Studies, 5(3):263-275, 1998. [ bib ]
The location pattern of advanced professional business services is a matter of interest among scholars in economic geography and neighbouring disciplines. This article considers location factors in the context of a conceptual discussion as well as a Swedish case- study. The conclusions suggest that there are reasons to reevaluate the relative importance of different location factors. Although the factor of proximity to clients (the market) is important and tends to dominate the discussion in much research in geography, it offers only a partial explanation of the location of professional business services firms. This article produces arguments for the importance of several other location factors: professional labour, localization and urbanization economies, and the circumstances surrounding the establishment of firms as well as their subsequent history.

Keywords: location choice, economic geography, firm behaviour
[18] Roger Keil and John Graham. Reasserting nature: Constructing urban environments after Fordism. In B. Braun and N. Casttree, editors, Remaking Reality: Nature at the Amillenium. Routledge, London, UK, 1998. [ bib ]
Some interesting criticisms of New (Sub)urbanism as a rebranding of older modes of subdivision building, in the context of Vaughan. I didn't read the article very closely, and I'm not sure what the overall thrust is. My sense is that it builds on a quote from Lef91 to explore the urbanisation of the rural and the ruralisation of the urban.
Keywords: geography, canada, urban planning, new urbanism
[19] Henri Lefebvre. The Production of Space. Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 1991. [ bib ]
Keywords: geography
[20] David Ley. Gentrification in recession: Social change in six Canadian inner cities. Urban Geography, 13(3):230-256, 1993. [ bib ]
Keywords: geography, canada, equity
[21] David Ley. The Middle Class and the Making of the Central City. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1996. [ bib ]
Keywords: geography, equity
[22] E. Relph. Suburban downtowns of the Greater Toronto Area. The Canadian Geographer, 35:421-425, 1991. [ bib ]
Keywords: geography, canada
[23] Emily Talen. New Urbanism and the culture of criticism. Urban Geography, 21(4):318-341, 2000. [ bib ]
Keywords: new urbanism, geography
[24] L. van den Berg, R. Drewett, and L. Klaassen, editors. Urban Europe: A Study in Growth and Decline. Pergamon, London, UK, 1982. [ bib ]
Keywords: geography, urban planning
[25] L. van den Berg and L. Klaassen. The contagiousness of urban decline. In L. van den Berg, L. Burns, and L. Klaassen, editors, Spatial Cycles, pages 84-99. Gower, London, UK, 1987. [ bib ]
Keywords: geography, urban planning
[26] J. Vance. Geography and urban evolution in the San Francisco Bay Area. Technical report, Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, 1964. [ bib ]
Keywords: transport planning, urban planning, history, geography

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