2 Notation

In this paper, I will use the symbol $ {\bf I}$ to denote an identity matrix. The symbol $ {\bf I}_s$ refers to a vector containing the $ s$ th column of the identity matrix. To denote the skew-symmetric matrix form of a vector cross product, I will use the notation

$\displaystyle S({\bf v}) = \begin{pmatrix}
0 & -{\bf v}_z & {\bf v}_y \\
{\bf v}_z & 0 & -{\bf v}_x \\
-{\bf v}_y & {\bf v}_x & 0
\end{pmatrix} $

I will also define the vector $ S_s({\bf v})$ as the transpose of the $ s$ th row of $ S({\bf v})$ . $ S_s$ is a column vector, but represents a row in the original $ S$ matrix. I will use a hat (e.g. $ {\bf {\hat w}}_u$ ) to refer to a normalised vector of unit length, and omit the hat (e.g. $ {\bf w}_u$ ) for an unnormalised vector. This is the opposite convention to that used in my original project report.

I will retain Baraff & Witkin's notation and use $ {\bf x}$ to refer to the positions of points, not $ {\bf p}$ as in Macri's paper. Furthermore, I will refer to the points of a triangle as $ {\bf x}_0$ , $ {\bf x}_1$ and $ {\bf x}_2$ , and not use the $ i$ , $ j$ and $ k$ subscripts used by the other two papers. For the points of an edge, I will likewise use subscripts of 0, 1, 2, and 3 rather than the $ h$ , $ i$ , $ j$ and $ k$ subscripts used by Macri.

When referring to points, I will use $ {\bf x}_m$ and $ {\bf x}_n$ to refer to two possibly distinct points. I will use the subscript $ m_s$ to refer to the to the $ s$ th component of $ {\bf x}_m$ , and likewise the subscript $ n_t$ for the $ t$ th component of $ {\bf x}_n$ . I will also sometimes use subsubscripts of $ x$ , $ y$ and $ z$ to refer to the components.

I like to think of the derivatives in this paper in terms of their components. Both Baraff & Witkin and Macri differentiate with respect to a vector in their papers, giving quantities like

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial C}{\partial {\bf x}_m}$ $\displaystyle = \begin{pmatrix}\frac{\partial C}{\partial {\bf x}_{m_x}} \\ \fr...
...rtial {\bf x}_{m_y}} \\ \frac{\partial C}{\partial {\bf x}_{m_z}} \end{pmatrix}$    


$\displaystyle \frac{\partial {\bf v}}{\partial {\bf x}_m}$ $\displaystyle = \begin{pmatrix}\frac{\partial {\bf v}_x}{\partial {\bf x}_{m_x}...
...\bf x}_{m_z}} & \frac{\partial {\bf v}_z}{\partial {\bf x}_{m_z}} \end{pmatrix}$    

This type of formula is common in some areas of graphics; for example, the Jacobian matrix has this form. However, what happens when we take the second derivative of $ {\bf v}$ ? It will yield a third-order tensor, a $ 3\times3\times3$ linear algebraic quantity. However, this is unnecessarily complicated, especially for people (like me) who never covered tensors in their undergraduate education. In this paper, I will try to avoid differentiation with respect to a vector. Instead, I will do most of the work on a component-by-component basis, using only differentiation with respect to a scalar. Using this approach, I will only ever need to use vectors and scalars, not matrices or higher-order tensors. This makes operations such as cross-products and dot-products straightforward.

Some of Baraff & Witkin's formulas involve taking a second derivative with respect to two vectors. For these, just remember the layout of the resulting matrix. For example,

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial^2 C}{\partial {\bf x}_m \partial {\bf x}_n}$ $\displaystyle = \begin{pmatrix}\frac{\partial C}{\partial {\bf x}_{m_x}} {{\bf ...
...n_z}} & \frac{\partial C}{\partial {\bf x}_{m_z}} {{\bf x}_{n_z}} \end{pmatrix}$