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GeVector Member List

This is the complete list of members for GeVector, including all inherited members.
_x (defined in GeVector)GeVector
_y (defined in GeVector)GeVector
_z (defined in GeVector)GeVector
axis(UInt32 idx)GeVector [inline, static]
cross(const GeVector &) constGeVector [inline]
dot(const GeVector &) constGeVector [inline]
getAngle(const GeVector &) const (defined in GeVector)GeVector
getUnit() const (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
GeVector() (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
GeVector(Float x, Float y, Float z) (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
GeVector(const GePoint &p1, const GePoint &p2)GeVector
infinityNorm() constGeVector [inline]
isUnit() const (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
length() constGeVector [inline]
operator *(Float) const (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator *=(Float) (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator!=(const GeVector &) const (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator+(const GeVector &) const (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator+(Float) const (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator+=(const GeVector &) (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator+=(Float) (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator-() const (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator-(const GeVector &) const (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator-(Float) const (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator-=(const GeVector &) (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator-=(Float) (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator/(Float) const (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator/=(Float) (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator==(const GeVector &) const (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator[](UInt32) const (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
operator[](UInt32) (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
squaredLength() const (defined in GeVector)GeVector [inline]
X (defined in GeVector)GeVector [static]
Y (defined in GeVector)GeVector [static]
Z (defined in GeVector)GeVector [static]
ZERO (defined in GeVector)GeVector [static]

Generated on Fri May 2 16:51:21 2003 for Freecloth by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002