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Freecloth Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BaMathContainer for a variety of useful mathematics functions
BaStringUtilUtilities for manipulating strings
BaTimeBasic measurement of time
BaTraceEntryUtility class used by DGFX_TRACE_ENTER macro
BaTraceStreamOutput stream for DGFX_TRACE_* macros
ClothAppDemonstration application for Freecloth simulator
ColColourRGBDefinition of a colour in an RGB colourspace
GeMatrix3A simple 3x3 matrix class
GeMatrix4A simple 4x4 matrix class
GeMeshA class for triangle meshes
GeMesh::FaceA private data structure used to store information associated with mesh faces
GeMesh::FaceConstIteratorIterator for faces, using the FaceWrapper facade
GeMesh::FaceWrapperFacade class for access to face data, while drawing on information from the vertex and texture vertex arrays
GeMeshBuilderClass to construct a GeMesh object
GeMeshTypesA class to collect a few common typedefs
GeMeshWingedEdgeAdd-on for GeMesh class to store winged-edge data structure
GeMeshWingedEdge::EdgeIteratorBase< HALF >Class for both edge and halfedge iterators
GeMeshWingedEdge::HalfEdgeHalf-edge data structure. This is a private class, only used for data storage. The HalfEdgeWrapper class is a facade that is exposed to clients
GeMeshWingedEdge::HalfEdgeWrapperFacade class for access to half edge data, while drawing on information from the vertex and texture vertex arrays
GeMeshWingedEdge::VertexEdgeIteratorBase< HALF >Class for both edge and halfedge iterators touching a vertex
GeMeshWingedEdge::VertexFaceIteratorClass for iterating over faces touching a vertex
GePointA class for 3D points
GePoint::CompXComparison functors for sorting or working with points
GePoint::CompYComparison functors for sorting or working with points
GePoint::CompZComparison functors for sorting or working with points
GeVectorA class for 3D vectors
GfxConfigConfiguration information for graphics applications
GfxConfig::VideoModeInfoGraphics configuration for fullscreen applications
GfxConfig::WindowInfoGraphics configuration for windowed applications
GfxGLTextureWrapper around an image and handle allocation of graphics RAM
GfxGLWindowWindow for OpenGL operations
GfxGLWindowGLUIWindow class for GLUI
GfxGLWindowGLUTWindow class for GLUT
GfxImageClass to hold an image
GfxImageReaderInterface for image reader classes
GfxImageReaderPNMClass to read Portable Anymap Files (bitmaps, greymap, and pixmaps) from disk
GfxImageWriterInterface for image writer classes
GfxImageWriterPNMClass to write Portable Anymap Files (bitmaps, greymap, and pixmaps) to disk
GfxWindowInterface for window creation and messages
GfxWindowObserverInterface for classes that are interested in events coming from a window
GLOpenGL bindings for our utility classes
RCBaseBase class for reference-counted objects
RCProxyShdPtr< T >Reference-counted shared smart pointer for non-RCBase objects
RCProxyShdPtrBaseBase class for reference counted smart pointer proxy
RCProxyShdPtrBase::DataInternal data for RCProxyShdPtrBase
RCShdPtr< T >Reference-counted shared smart pointer
RCShdPtrBaseBase class for reference counted smart pointer
ResConfigApplication configuration data
ResConfigRegistryRInterface for configuration reading
ResConfigRegistryWInterface for configuration writing
SimMatrixSparse matrix class
SimMatrix::ElementEntry in a sparse matrix
SimMatrix::RowRow in a sparse matrix
SimSimulatorAn implementation of Baraff & Witkin's cloth simulation algorithm
SimSimulator::ParamsParameters for cloth simulator, as described in [BarWit98]
SimVectorDense vector class

Generated on Fri May 2 16:51:14 2003 for Freecloth by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002