Smithe Street


Map of Smithe St. bicycle

This is the route that should have been included, but wasn't. A connection along Smithe from the Cambie Bridge to Beatty is proposed, and another segment from Hornby to Burrard acts as the entry to the Haro St. bike route, but the eight blocks in between were left off. This route would make an obvious eastbound connection from the Cambie Bridge to downtown and the West End, and would be a little more convenient than the jog down Beatty St. to Helmcken.

Road Network

Traffic volumes on Smithe range from medium (10 000 to 20 000 per day) to heavy, 20 000 to 40 000 per day [DTP p. 44]. Smithe is a major road from the Cambie Bridge to Howe St [DTP p. 45], and is an important circulation street [DTP p. 47].


No impact.


No impact.

Goods Movement

Smithe is currently a truck route from Beatty to Richards, but is proposed to be removed [DTP p. 105]. It lies within the truck area [DTP p. 106]. Airporter buses and express buses run along Smithe [DTP pp. 111-112].


No impact.

Spot Improvements

24. Enhance the crosswalk on Smithe Street at Haro Street

At the location where Smithe Street becomes Haro Street (mid block between Burrard St and Thurlow St), the north sidewalk can be confusing and awkward for people walking along the street.

This could be corrected by normalizing the intersection. This would improve conditions for all users.
