Georgia Viaduct


This route [Georgia/Pender/Dunsmuir] is the main east-west connection between the Lions Gate Bridge and the Adanac Bikeway (Union Street). Although eastbound and westbound bike lanes on Pender Street are desirable, the narrow width of Pender Street between Howe and Cambie makes this difficult without compromising transit or business interests along the street. One potential solution is converting Pender Street from two-way to one-way eastbound along this section. This would allow for the creation of a one-way couplet of bike lanes, eastbound on Pender and westbound on Dunsmuir. [...] It is recommended that further detailed analysis be conducted given the complexities of the changes and a desire by many to maintain two-way traffic and transit services along Pender Street.

An eastbound bike lane could begin at Georgia Street and travel along Pender to the existing bike lanes on Pender between Cambie and Carrall. A connection could then be made via Carrall, Keefer and Columbia to connect to the Adanac Bikeway on Union Street. The implications of this bike lane include the removal of parking on the south side of Pender between Nicola and Jervis, the creation of a permanent parking lane on the south side of Pender between Jervis and Thurlow, the creation of a permanent parking/loading lane on the north side of Pender between Howe and Cambie, the relocation of westbound buses from the proposed one-way section of Pender, and the removal of some parking on Carrall, Keefer and Columbia.

A westbound bike lane could begin on Union at Main and would offer two potential routes. One is along the proposed westbound bike lane across the Dunsmuir Viaduct, along Dunsmuir and Melville streets, connecting with Pender Street at Jervis. For the majority of its length, existing parking and travel lanes would be maintained, with the exception of Dunsmuir Street between Richards and Burrard, where parking would be need to be removed because of the narrow street width. The parking removal will help to improve traffic flow and safety in this narrow section of Dunsmuir. The alternative westbound bike route is to use Columbia, Keefer, and Carrall streets to connect to the existing bike lanes on Pender Street. Westbound cyclists on Pender Street would then head southbound on Beatty to reconnect with the westbound bike lanes on Dunsmuir.

[DTP pp. 98-99]

The city is also considering an eastbound bike lane along the full length of Georgia Street. This proposal has gone to staff for input from stakeholders and further consideration

An eastbound bike lane along the Georgia Viaduct, accomplished largely by restriping the existing traffic lane lines, is recommended in the Downtown Transportation Plan to facilitate cyclists travelling out of the downtown peninsula. Currently, only the proposed bike lanes along Beatty Street lead to the bike lanes on the Georgia Viaduct. Additional opportunities for bike lane connections to the viaduct bike lanes were explored along Georgia Street.

Georgia Street is a major arterial street in the downtown and is a part of the regional Major Road Network serving both local and regional traffic. The Downtown Transportation Plan recommends that Georgia Street between the viaduct and Burrard be added to the truck route network to provide direct access across the peninsula and to reduce truck impacts to emerging residential areas in Downtown South. Georgia Street generally consists of three traffic lanes in both the eastbound and westbound direction, with some parking on the curb lanes that is restricted during the rush hours. This configuration changes as it approaches the viaduct to match the four eastbound traffic lanes on the viaduct. Two westbound traffic lanes begin at Cambie Street.

Given the existing width of Georgia Street, it was determined that an eastbound bike lane on Georgia Street may be added if the curb lanes on both sides of the street are convertedto full-time parking lanes. Full-time parking lanes require less space than moving traffic lanes and therefore help to create the space required for the bike lane. A preliminary review suggests that it may be possible to create an eastbound bike lane, east of Homer Street. Further review is required to ensure that traffic flow on Georgia Street will not be impacted. Any new full-time on-street parking spaces created would benefit surrounding land uses, including Library Square.

[Administrative Report of Transportation and Traffic Commitee, July 8, 2003, CC #5560-1]

Road Network

The Georgia Viaduct has heavy traffic volume, 20 000 to 40 000 vehicles per day [DTP p. 44]. It is part of the major road network [DTP p. 45].


No impact.


No impact.

Goods Movement

The Georgia viaduct is a truck route [DTP p. 105], and is also used by tour buses [DTP p. 110].


No impact.

Spot Improvements

40. Improve cyclist access through the intersection of Prior Street and Gore Avenue

Cyclists using the proposed bike lane on the Georgia Viaduct will need to negotiate this intersection to continue east. This demand should be addressed as part of the design of the intersection when Gore is extended south of Prior Street.

[DTP p. 156]


On the Georgia Viaduct, the number of traffic lanes from Beatty Street to GM Place would be reduced from four to three to allow for a sidewalk on the north side (Appendix B). As only three lanes are currently available east of GM Place, staff believe there will be no negative impact to traffic flow in this section. In fact, the long term plan for the Georgia Viaduct is to install a wide, permanent sidewalk on the south side, ultimately linking to False Creek. Accordingly, this section of the Georgia Viaduct will in the future be permanently reduced to three lanes to achieve a wide sidewalk and a bike lane.

[Administrative Report of July 29, RTS #03453]


As proposed in the DTP, this is probably the least useful section in the proposed bike network. It's a substantial jog down from Pender St. to the Georgia Viaduct, especially when Pender already has an eastbound bike route through to Carrall, with a subsequent connection down to Union. However, it may still be useful for commuter cyclists who prefer a quick route along Georgia to the official bike lane on Pender, and it is a quick downhill ride along the viaduct. In recognition of these problems, city council is considering an eastbound route along the full length of Georgia, which seems quite feasible and useful.

Furthermore, every street in Vancouver should be accessible to cyclists. Currently, the roadway on the Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts is a fast, elevated highway-style route that is very intimidating to cyclists. Both viaducts do have very narrow pedestrian walkways with waist-high barriers separating pedestrians from traffic; these aren't very suitable for cyclist use, since there isn't enough space for a cyclist to pass a pedestrian (or another cyclist). It's also probably illegal for cyclists to use them, even though they're rarely used by pedestrians. All streets in the city should be safe for well-trained cyclists, and the viaducts are not yet safe.

Development of this route is in preparation, of sorts. The existing pedestrian walkways are being torn down as the Costco site below is developed, and a temporary replacement pedestrian route will be created by closing one lane of vehicle traffic (from four lanes to three lanes). This space will later be used to accomodate the permanent sidewalk and bike lane. It appears that Concord Properties (Costco developers) will also be building some sort of permanent elevated walkways, as well. The temporary sidewalk should be going in soon on the north side, but the permanent solution on the south side (and the bike lane) will likely not happen for four years (by 2007).