VACC Submission

Cardero Street


Map of Cardero St. bicycle

The Cardero cycling route is intended to be shared with other users. No further details are provided regarding its intended design or use.

Road Network

Traffic volumes on Cardero are very light, 0 to 5 000 per day [DTP p. 44]. Cardero is considered a local street.


No impact.


Cardero forms an arterial in the pedestrian network:

This route was selected because of the existing pedestrian investments already made via traffic calming measures and mini-parks along the street. This route also provides a `water to water' connection from English Bay park to the new park along the eastern edge of the Bayshore Hotel. A pedestrian actuated light should be installed at Beach Avenue to facilitate safer pedestrian crossing.

[DTP p. 89]

Goods Movement

Cardero is outside the downtown truck area, except for the section from Robson to Georgia [DTP p. 106]. The north sections of Cardero are also on tour bus and airporter bus routes [DTP pp. 110-111].


No impact.

Spot Improvements

No impact.


Cardero is a straightforward and quiet street for cycling. Good connections through the local miniparks are important, and good signal systems at Beach, Robson and Georgia are also necessary. Pedestrian signals already exist at Robson and Georgia; the status of Beach and the presence of cyclist signals is unknown.

This route is uncontroversial; it's a good residential route, similar to many others outside the downtown.

The critical pushbuttons at Davie and Robson are expected to be installed in 2004. [Administrative Report, July 22, 2004, CC #5761]

VACC members attending the City's Bicycle Advisory Committee saw plans for Cardero St. in November 2004. The issues apparent at this stage are:

As this prepares to go to council, an administrative report with many of the details on the route is now available. The VACC has also written a letter [PDF | HTML] summarizing our support for this route.