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@article{FajCur01, author = {Joel Fajans and Melanie Curry}, title = {Why Bicyclists Hate Stop Signs}, year = 2001, journal = {Access Magazine}, volume = 18, pages = {28--31}, status = {read}, keywords = {bicycle planning, streets, traffic controls}, url = {http://www.uctc.net/scripts/access.pl?access18.pdf} }
@techreport{HubWil03, author = {Tom Huber and John Williams}, title = {Wisconsin Bicycle Planning Guidance}, year = 2003, month = jun, url = {http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/projects/state/docs/bike-guidance.pdf}, keywords = {bicycle planning, pavement marking, traffic calming, traffic controls}, institution = {Wisconsin Department of Transportation}, address = {Madison, WI, USA}, status = {read} }
@techreport{WilWalHarGriLit04, author = {John Williams and Tom Walsh and David Harkey and Glenn Grigg and Todd Litman}, title = {Wisconsin Bicycle Facility Design Handbook}, year = 2004, url = {http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/projects/state/docs/bike-facility.pdf}, keywords = {bicycle planning, pavement marking, traffic calming, traffic controls}, institution = {Wisconsin Department of Transportation}, address = {Madison, WI, USA}, rating = 4, status = {read}, annote = { A very good, modern approach to bicycle facility design, from a North American perspective. Some really excellent diagrams of traffic calming designs; a good description of right-turn conflicts (p.~3-20). } }
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