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@article{Cal02b, author = {Peter G.~Calthorpe}, title = {The Urban Network: A Radical Proposal}, year = 2002, journal = {Planning}, volume = 68, number = 5, pages = {10--15}, status = {read}, abstract = { There is a critical need for a new paradigm of growth on undeveloped sites - one that complements urban infill and revitalization. The alternative transportation network proposed here calls for a new hierarchy of arterials and boulevards that allow for through traffic without always by-passing commercial centers - a road network that reinforces access to walkable neighborhoods and urban town centers without cutting them off from local pedestrian movement. A plan for new growth areas around Chicago proposes 3 types of major roads to replace the standard arterial grid: transit boulevards, throughways, and arterials. The transit boulevards combine the capacity of a major arterial with the intimacy of local frontage roads and the pedestrian orientation that comes with the transit system. Local arterials are multi-lane facilities that transition into a couplet of main streets at the village centers. }, keywords = {urban planning, transport planning, streets, street design, new urbanism} }
@techreport{Cal02c, author = {Peter G.~Calthorpe}, title = {The Urban Network: A New Framework for Growth}, year = 2002, institution = {Calthorpe Associates}, address = {Berkeley, CA, USA}, url = {http://calthorpe.com/clippings/UrbanNet1216.pdf}, status = {read}, keywords = {urban planning, transport planning, streets, street design, new urbanism} }
@article{GarWan05, author = {Norman W.~Garrick and Jianhong Wang}, title = {New Concepts for Context-Based Design of Streets and Highways}, year = 2005, journal = {Transportation Research Record}, volume = 1912, pages = {57--64}, keywords = { streets, urban design, street design }, status = {read}, annote = { Discusses some of the history of street design standards, and problems with the typical current approach, where freeway design standards are applied to urban street design. Emphasis on design speed, curve radii, and design process. Good refs: Mar02. } }
@techreport{HesMil06, author = {Paul Hess and Beth M.~Milroy}, title = {Making {T}oronto's Streets}, year = 2006, institution = {University of Toronto, Department of Geography and Planning}, address = {Toronto, ON, Canada}, quality = 4, status = {read}, url = { http://www.cuhi.utoronto.ca/research/Toronto%20Streets%20Report%20Sept%202006.pdf }, keywords = { streets, pedestrian planning, bicycle planning, canada, street design, urban design, prioritisation } }
@incollection{Lil01, author = {Einar Lillebye}, title = {The architectural significance of the street as a functional and social arena}, year = 2001, editor = {Colin Jefferson and Janet Rowe and Carlos Brebbia}, booktitle = {The Sustainable Street: The Environmental, Human and Economic Aspects of Street Design and Management}, publisher = {Wessex Institute of Technology Press}, address = {Southampton, UK}, status = {read}, keywords = {street design, streets, urban design, architecture, sustainability} }
@book{Mar05, author = {Stephen Marshall}, title = {Streets \& Patterns: The Structure of Urban Geometry}, year = 2005, publisher = {Spon Press}, address = {New York City, NY, USA}, quality = 5, status = {read}, keywords = {streets, urban planning, urban form, transport planning, street design, urban design} }
@article{Ale65, author = {Christopher Alexander}, title = {A city is not a tree}, journal = {Architectural Forum}, volume = 122, year = 1965, month = {April, May}, pages = {58--62, 58--61}, keywords = {architecture, urban design, urban form, streets, street design }, annote = { Apparently, a critique of hierarchical, tree-like city design (particularly conventional suburban street layouts) } }
@book{App81, author = {Donald Appleyard}, title = {Livable Streets}, year = 1981, publisher = {University of California Press}, address = {Berkeley, CA, USA}, keywords = {urban design, streets, street design, traffic calming} }
@book{AppLynMye64, author = {Donald Appleyard and Kevin Lynch and John Myer}, title = {The View from the Road}, year = 1964, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA, USA}, keywords = {streets, urban planning, street design} }
@article{AppLin72, author = {Donald Appleyard and M.~Lintell}, title = {The environmental quality of city streets: the residents' viewpoint}, year = 1972, journal = {Journal of the American Institute of Planners}, volume = 38, number = 2, pages = {84--101}, keywords = {streets, urban design, street design} }
@book{Bal99, author = {Peter C.~Baldwin}, title = {Domesticating the street: the reform of public space in {H}artford, 1850--1930}, year = 1999, publisher = {Ohio State University Press}, address = {Columbus, OH, USA}, keywords = {streets, history, urban politics, street design, roadspace reallocation, zoning} }
@article{Ben95, author = {Eran Ben-Joseph}, title = {Changing the Residential Street Scene: Adapting the Shared Street (Woonerf) Concept to the Suburban Environment}, year = 1995, journal = {Journal of the American Planning Association}, volume = 61, number = 4, pages = {504--515}, keywords = {urban planning, streets, street design, pedestrian planning} }
@article{CheDeaHigHue06, author = {Christopher R.~Cherry and Elizabeth Deakin and Nathan Higgins and S.~Brian Huey}, title = {Systems-Level Approach to Sustainable Urban Arterial Revitalization}, year = 2006, journal = {Transportation Research Record}, keywords = {streets, street design} }
@article{Heb05, author = {Michael Hebbert}, title = {Engineering, urbanism and the struggle for street design}, year = 2005, month = feb, journal = {Journal of Urban Design}, volume = 10, number = 1, keywords = {urban planning, urban design, transport planning, street design, streets} }
@book{Jac85, author = {Allan B.~Jacobs}, title = {Great Streets}, year = 1985, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA, USA}, keywords = {streets, urban design, street design} }
@book{JacMacRof02, author = {Allan B.~Jacobs and Elizabeth Mac{D}onald and Yodan Rof{\'e}}, title = {The Boulevard Book: History, Evolution, Design of Multiway Boulevards}, year = 2002, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA, USA}, keywords = {urban planning, streets, urban design, street design} }
@techreport{JacRofMac95, author = {Allan B.~Jacobs and Yodan Rof{\'e} and Elizabeth Mac{D}onald}, title = {Multiple Roadway Boulevards: Case Studies, Designs and Design Guidelines}, year = 1995, institution = {University of California}, type = {Transportation Center Working Paper}, number = 300, address = {Berkeley, CA, USA}, keywords = {urban planning, streets, urban design, street design} }
@techreport{Jen04, author = {S{\o}ren Underlien Jensen}, title = {{A}rterial {S}treets {T}owards {S}ustainability: Design, Decision and Prediction Tools}, year = 2004, url = {http://www.tft.lth.se/artists/medlemmar.asp}, keywords = {bicycle planning, pedestrian planning, urban planning, bike box, street design, streets}, institution = {ARTISTS Consortium}, number = {D3.2}, address = {Malm{\"o}, Sweden} }
@book{McC92b, author = {Jim Mc{C}luskey}, title = {Road Form and Townscape}, year = 1992, edition = {2nd}, publisher = {Butterworth Architecture}, address = {Oxford, UK}, keywords = {streets, urban design, urban form, street design} }
@incollection{Mar01b, author = {Stephen Marshall}, title = {Public transport orientated urban design}, year = 2001, editor = {E.~Feitelson and E.~Verhoef}, booktitle = {Transport and Environment: in Search of Sustainable Solutions}, publisher = {Edward Elgar}, address = {Cheltenham, UK}, keywords = {urban design, streets, street design, urban form} }
@techreport{Mar02, author = {Stephen Marshall}, title = {A First Theoretical Approach to Classification of Arterial Streets}, year = 2002, institution = {University of Westminster}, type = {ARTISTS Deliverable}, number = {D1.1}, address = {London, UK}, keywords = {streets, urban planning, transport planning, street design} }
@techreport{Mar02b, author = {Stephen Marshall}, title = {Methodological Framework for Compatibility Analysis}, year = 2002, institution = {Bartlett School of Planning, University College London}, type = {TRANSPLUS Deliverable}, number = {D4.2}, address = {London, UK}, keywords = {streets, street design} }
@article{Mar03b, author = {Stephen Marshall}, title = {Traffic in Towns revisited}, year = 2003, month = nov, journal = {Town and Country Planning}, volume = 72, number = 10, pages = {310--312}, keywords = {urban planning, transport planning, streets, street design} }
@article{SouBen95, author = {Michael Southworth and Eran Ben-Joseph}, title = {Street Standards and the Shaping of Suburbia}, year = 1995, journal = {Journal of the American Planning Association}, volume = 65, keywords = {urban form, streets, street design} }
@techreport{Sve04, author = {{\AA}se Svensson}, title = {{A}rterial {S}treets for People: Guidance for Planners and Decision Makers when Reconstructing Arterial Streets}, year = 2004, url = {http://www.tft.lth.se/guide/guidecompleng050921.pdf}, keywords = {bicycle planning, pedestrian planning, urban planning, urban design, street design, streets}, institution = {ARTISTS Consortium}, address = {Malm{\"o}, Sweden} }
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