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@article{ArcSmi93, author = {Wayne R.~Archer and Marc T.~Smith}, title = {Why Do Suburban Offices Cluster?}, year = 1993, journal = {Geographical Analysis}, volume = 25, number = 1, pages = {53--64}, status = {read}, keywords = {location choice, firm behaviour, urban form} }
@incollection{Enx99, author = {Gerd Enxing}, title = {Decision Behaviour of Advanced Producer Services with Regard to the Choice of Location}, year = 1999, chapter = 14, booktitle = {Demography of Firms: Spatial Dynamics of Firm Behaviour}, editor = {van Dijk, Jouke and Piet H.~Pellenbarg}, publisher = {Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap/Netherlands Geographical Studies}, volume = 262, address = {Utrecht/Groningen, The Netherlands}, issn = {0169-4839}, pages = {271--283}, status = {read}, keywords = {firm behaviour, demography of firms, location choice} }
@article{Her98, author = {Brita Hermelin}, title = {Location of Professional Business Services}, year = 1998, journal = {European Urban and Regional Studies}, volume = 5, number = 3, pages = {263--275}, keywords = {location choice, economic geography, firm behaviour}, abstract = { The location pattern of advanced professional business services is a matter of interest among scholars in economic geography and neighbouring disciplines. This article considers location factors in the context of a conceptual discussion as well as a Swedish case- study. The conclusions suggest that there are reasons to reevaluate the relative importance of different location factors. Although the factor of proximity to clients (the market) is important and tends to dominate the discussion in much research in geography, it offers only a partial explanation of the location of professional business services firms. This article produces arguments for the importance of several other location factors: professional labour, localization and urbanization economies, and the circumstances surrounding the establishment of firms as well as their subsequent history. }, status = {read} }
@mastersthesis{McM04, author = {Sarah Mc{M}illan}, title = {Toward a {L}ivable {R}egion? {A}n Evaluation of Business Parks in {G}reater {V}ancouver}, year = 2004, school = {University of British Columbia, School of Community and Regional Planning}, address = {Vancouver, BC, Canada}, status = {read}, url = {http://www.urbanstudio.sala.ubc.ca/2005/3_resources/Toward_A_Livable_Region_SMcMillan.pdf}, keywords = { canada, firm behaviour, location choice, urban planning } }
@inproceedings{Pel05, author = {Piet H.~Pellenbarg}, title = {Firm migration in the {N}etherlands}, year = 2005, month = aug, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 45th {E}uropean {R}egional {S}cience {A}ssociation Congress}, address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, status = {read}, keywords = {location choice, firm behaviour, demography of firms} }
@techreport{Sac04, author = {Fatma Sa\c{c}li}, title = {Office Parks, Accessibility and Location Policy}, year = 2004, institution = {International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis}, type = {Land Use Change Report}, number = {IR-04-20}, address = {Laxenburg, Austria}, status = {read}, keywords = {firm behaviour, location choice}, url = {http://www.iiasa.ac.at/Publications/Documents/IR-04-020.pdf} }
@incollection{vanWis99, author = {van Wissen, Leo}, title = {A micro-simulation model of firms, applications of concepts of the demography of the firm}, year = 1999, chapter = 2, booktitle = {Demography of Firms: Spatial Dynamics of Firm Behaviour}, editor = {van Dijk, Jouke and Piet H.~Pellenbarg}, publisher = {Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap/Netherlands Geographical Studies}, address = {Utrecht/Groningen, The Netherlands}, issn = {0169-4839}, pages = {15--48}, status = {read}, keywords = {demography of firms, firm behaviour, location choice} }
@incollection{Art88, author = {W.~Brian Arthur}, title = {Urban Systems and Historical Path Dependence}, year = 1988, pages = {85--97}, editor = {Jesse H.~Ausubel and Robert Herman}, booktitle = {Cities and Their Vital Systems}, publisher = {The National Academies Press}, address = {Washington, D.C., USA}, url = {http://www.nap.edu/catalog/1093.html}, isbn = {0309037867}, keywords = {location choice, urban economics } }
@article{BroMarvanOmm04, author = {Aleid E.~Brouwer and Ilaria Mariotti and van Ommeren, Jos N.}, title = {The firm relocation decision: An empirical investigation}, year = 2004, journal = {The Annals of Regional Science}, volume = 38, number = 2, pages = {335--347}, doi = {10.1007/s00168-004-0198-5}, issn = {0570-1864}, keywords = {firm behaviour, demography of firms, location choice} }
@article{Cra96, author = {Randall Crane}, title = {The influence of uncertain job location on urban form and the journey to work}, year = 1996, journal = {Journal of Urban Economics}, volume = 39, number = 3, pages = {342--358}, keywords = {transport planning, urban form, land use transport link, location choice} }
@article{ElgMil06, author = {Ilan Elgar and Eric J.~Miller}, title = {A Conceptual Model of Small Office Firm Location}, year = 2006, journal = {Transportation Research Record}, volume = 1977, pages = {190--196}, keywords = {ilute, transport modelling, location choice} }
@article{Gad85, author = {Gunter Gad}, title = {Office location dynamics in {T}oronto: suburbanization and central district specialization}, year = 1985, journal = {Urban Geography}, volume = 6, pages = {331--351}, keywords = {location choice, urban planning, canada, geography} }
@article{Hun97, author = {John Douglas Hunt}, title = {A Stated Preference Examination of the Location Choice Behavior of Retail Firms}, year = 1997, journal = {Transportation Research Record}, volume = 1606, pages = {25--32}, keywords = {location choice, firm behaviour, urban planning, urban economics} }
@article{Kri06, author = {Kevin J.~Krizek}, title = {Lifestyles, Residential Location Decisions, and Pedestrian and Transit Activity}, year = 2006, journal = {Transportation Research Record}, volume = 1981, doi = {10.3141/1981-25}, keywords = {location choice} }
@article{McF78, author = {Daniel Mc{F}adden}, title = {Modeling the Choice of Residential Location}, year = 1978, journal = {Transportation Research Record}, volume = 673, pages = {72--77}, keywords = {location choice, urban planning} }
@phdthesis{Mao05, author = {Hannah F.~Maoh}, title = {Modeling Firm Demography in Urban Areas with an Application to {H}amilton, {O}ntario: Toward an Agent-Based Microsimulation Model}, year = 2005, school = {McMaster University}, address = {Hamilton, ON, Canada}, keywords = {demography of firms, location choice} }
@article{Piv93, author = {Gary Pivo}, title = {A Taxonomy of Suburban Office Clusters: The Case of {T}oronto}, year = 1993, journal = {Urban Studies}, volume = 30, number = 1, abstract = { Metropolitan plans are commonly based on a system of suburban office clusters. The large variation among recent plans suggests a poor understanding of their nature and impacts. A taxonomy of office clusters could provide a necessary framework. Six hypotheses on the type, frequency, location, employment base and travel characteristics of suburban clusters were tested in a case-study of the Toronto region. Six physical types were identified and found to be associated with certain locations, employment activities and travel mode characteristics. The Toronto metropolitan plan was found to be successful when it conformed with these findings and unsuccessful when it did not. The results lead to provisional guidelines for future metropolitan plans. }, keywords = {canada, location choice, firm behaviour} }
@phdthesis{Sta03, author = {Frederik C.~Stam}, title = {Why Butterflies Don't Leave: Locational Evolution of Evolving Enterprises}, year = 2003, school = {Proefschrift Universiteit Utrecht}, address = {Utrecht, The Netherlands}, status = {read}, url = {http://igitur-archive.library.uu.nl/dissertations/2003-0922-092752/inhoud.htm}, keywords = {demography of firms, firm behaviour, location choice} }
@article{vanWeevanderHor96, author = {van Wee, B. and van der Horne, T.}, title = {Employment Location as an Instrument for Transport Policy in the {N}etherlands}, year = 1996, journal = {Transport Policy}, volume = 3, number = 3, pages = {81--89}, keywords = {urban planning, location choice, transport planning, firm behaviour}, annote = { Dutch ABC system. } }
@inproceedings{WadUlf03b, author = {Paul Waddell and Gudmundur F.~Ulfarsson}, title = {Accessibility and Agglomeration: Discrete-Choice Models of Employment Location by Industry Sector}, year = 2003, booktitle = {Presented at the 2003 Meeting of the Transportation Research Board}, address = {Washington, D.C., USA}, keywords = {land use transport link, location choice, firm behaviour} }
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