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@techreport{Lit04, author = {Todd A.~Litman}, title = {Pay-As-You-Drive Pricing for Insurance Affordability}, year = 2004, month = may, institution = {Victoria Transport Policy Institute}, address = {Victoria, BC, Canada}, keywords = {transportation demand management, equity, insurance}, url = {http://www.vtpi.org/payd_aff.pdf}, status = {read} }
@techreport{But00, author = {Patrick Butler}, title = {Why The Standard Automobile Insurance Market Breaks Down In Low Income Zip Codes: A per-mile analysis of {T}exas auto insurance based on testimony before the {T}exas {H}ouse {C}ommittee on {I}nsurance April 6 and 13, 1999}, year = 2000, number = 633, month = jul, institution = {Cents Per Mile Now}, abstract = { The Texas legislature relied on this analysis of zip-code pricing (red lining) and uninsured cars in passing the ``cents-per-mile choice'' law to cure these and other maladies produced by fixed annual rates per-car. As introduced, the legislation drafted to NOW's specifications made the cents-per-mile option a ``mandatory offer'' to all customers by all companies after a two year phase-in period. As passed, the law makes offering cents-per-mile rates as an alternative to annual rates per car voluntary for companies. Consumers need to demand that companies take the cure: measure the miles of protection they sell for the customers who want it. }, keywords = {transportation demand management, insurance}, url = {http://centspermilenow.org/publicat.htm} }
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