
@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.91}}
@comment{{Command line: /usr/bin/bib2bib -ob keyword_ilute.bib -c 'keywords: "ilute"' ref.bib}}
  author = {John Edward Abraham and John Douglas Hunt},
  title = {Dynamic submodel integration using an offer-accept discrete
        event simulator},
  year = 2003,
  month = aug,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Travel
        Behavior Research},
  address = {Lucerne, Switzerland},
  url = {},
  annote = {
        Lots of tiny details about simulation of market transactions.
        Includes some application to an Oregon model. Some discussion of
        fictional characters (auctioneer and aggregator) typical in
        microeconomic discussion of markets.
  keywords = {urban economics, ilute},
  status = {read}
  author = {Sean T.~Doherty},
  title = {Should we abandon activity type analysis?},
  year = 2003,
  month = aug,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Travel
        Behavior Research},
  address = {Lucerne, Switzerland},
  url = {},
  annote = {
        Some interesting results from the CHASE survey. Shows that
        activity classification types (shopping, work, etc.) correlate very
        poorly with activity flexibility in time and space. Consequently,
        using an ``average'' flexibility for each activity type captures very
        little of the true flexibility of the activities.
  keywords = {activity-based modelling, ilute, travel behaviour},
  status = {read}
  author = {Jeffrey Guan},
  title = {Synthesizing Family Relationships Between Individuals for the
        {ILUTE} Micro-simulation Model},
  year = 2002,
  howpublished = {B.A.Sc. thesis, University of Toronto, Department of
        Civil Engineering},
  address = {Toronto, ON, Canada},
  status = {read},
  keywords = {ilute, population synthesis}
  author = {John Douglas Hunt and Eric J.~Miller and David S.~Kriger},
  title = {Current Operational Urban Land-Use Transport Modeling
  year = 2005,
  month = may,
  journal = {Transport Reviews},
  volume = 25,
  number = 3,
  pages = {217--234},
  status = {read},
  keywords = {ilute, transport modelling}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {{ILUTE}: Historical Evolution, Current Status, Future
  year = 2003,
  note = {Presentation available online},
  url = {},
  keywords = {ilute, transport modelling},
  status = {read},
  annote = {
        A good overview of the current status of the ILUTE project.
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and John Douglas Hunt and John Edward Abraham and
        Paul A.~Salvini},
  title = {Microsimulating Urban Systems},
  year = 2004,
  month = jan,
  journal = {Computers, Environment and Urban Systems},
  volume = 28,
  number = 1,
  pages = {9--44},
  abstract = {
        This paper presents a status report concerning on-going research
        and development work by a team of Canadian researchers to
        develop a microsimulation, agent-based, integrated model of
        urban land use and transportation. It describes in some detail
        the overall design and current status of the ILUTE (Integrated
        Land Use, Transportation, Environment) modelling system
        under development. The overall purpose of ILUTE is to simulate
        the evolution of an entire urban region over an extended period
        of time. Such a model is intended to replace conventional,
        aggregate, static models for the analysis of a broad range of
        transportation, housing and other urban policies. Agents being
        simulated in the model include individuals, households and
        establishments. The model operates on a ``100\% sample'' (i.e.,
        the entire population) of agents which, in the base
        case, are synthesized from more aggregate data such as census
        tables and which are then evolved over time by the model. A
        range of modelling methods are employed within the modelling
        system to represent individual agents' behaviours, including
        simple state transition models, random utility choice models,
        rule-based ``computational process'' models, and hybrids of these
        approaches. A major emphasis within ILUTE is the development of
        microsimulation models of market demand-supply interactions,
        particularly within the residential and commercial real estate
        markets. In addition, travel demand is modelled explicitly as
        the outcome of a combination of household and individual
        decisions concerning the participation in out-of-home
        activities over the course of a day. Spatial entities in the
        model include buildings, residential dwelling units and
        commercial floorspace, as well as aggregate ``spatial
        containers'' such as traffic zones, census tracts or grid cells.
  annote = {
        Good references: ConLaw02, VelKapTim00, VosPetDon02.

        Their discussion of spatial representation is interesting, and
        echos (somewhat) my own thoughts on the subject. They have two
        sections: one on residential representation and one on
        representations for firms. I'm curious to see
        how far they've come in the last few months.

        They discuss real estate markets, with zonal average prices. Offers
        can have individual prices, though, overriding zonal averages. It
        seems that this idea would mesh better with building-based spatial
        representation---grid based representation makes it hard to store
        data like ``sale price'' or compute zonal averages.

        I'm a bit baffled by their commercial development model. The
        grid-based approach they used seems to be based on cellular
        automata, using logit models for state transitions. But they don't
        consider adjacency information, which seems like it would be
        essential for firms---who wants floorspace divided into a random
        patchwork? Can you really just rearrange floorspace as needed?

        Their closing paragraphs are encouraging: they really don't want
        zones, anywhere.
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, spatial modelling},
  status = {read}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and David S.~Kriger and John Douglas Hunt},
  title = {Integrated urban models for simulation of transit and land use
        policies: guidelines for implementation and use},
  type = {Report},
  number = 48,
  institution = {Transit Cooperative Research Program, Transportation
        Research Board},
  year = 1998,
  address = {Washington, D.C., USA},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, transit, land use transport link},
  status = {read},
  url = {}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and David S.~Kriger and John Douglas Hunt},
  title = {Integrated urban models for simulation of transit and land use
  year = 1998,
  type = {Web Document},
  number = 9,
  institution = {Transportation Cooperative Research Program,
        Transportation Research Board},
  address = {Washington, D.C., USA},
  url = {},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, transit, land use transport link},
  status = {read},
  annoteurl = { }
  author = {Abolfazl Mohammadian and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Estimating the Expected Price of Vehicles in a Transportation
        Microsimulation Modeling System},
  year = 2002,
  month = nov,
  journal = {Journal of Transportation},
  volume = 128,
  number = 6,
  pages = {537--541},
  keywords = {activity-based modelling, ilute, travel behaviour, vehicle ownership},
  status = {read},
  abstract = {
        Microsimulation modeling is an emerging approach to activity-based
        travel forecasting. Household automobile-ownership models are
        being included in microsimulation travel-demand models more.
        Implicitly, vehicle price is an important attribute of vehicles
        in all automobile-ownership models. In order to update prices
        at each point of time within the simulation, a modeling tool is
        required to estimate the price of each vehicle at any time.
        This paper develops a hedonic price model to estimate the
        expected price of vehicles to be used in a comprehensive
        urban-transportation modeling system. In this study, the use of
        a linear hedonic price model was investigated in terms of its
        application to the market price of automobiles.
  annote = {
        Seems pretty reasonable. It's a little surprising that fuel
        economy makes a car less attractive, but I suppose that's typical
        of the 1990s vehicle market. Perhaps a repeat of the study today
        would show different results. (The price of gas was not a study
        variable, and didn't vary much over the period when the data was
        collected anyways.)
  author = {Abolfazl Mohammadian and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Dynamic Modeling of Household Automobile Transactions},
  year = 2003,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = 1831,
  pages = {98--105},
  url = {},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute},
  status = {read}
  author = {Abolfazl Mohammadian and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {An Empirical Investigation of Household Vehicle Type
  year = 2003,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = 1854,
  pages = {99--106},
  url = {},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute},
  status = {read},
  annote = {
        Not very useful for my purposes, although I'm sure anyone interested in
        emissions analysis might appreciate it. It's curious that gasoline
        prices aren't considered a relevant variable.
  author = {David R.~Pritchard},
  title = {Synthesizing Agents and Relationships for Land Use\slash Transportation Modelling},
  year = 2008,
  school = {Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto},
  address = {Toronto},
  status = {read},
  keywords = {ilute, transportation modelling},
  url = {}
  author = {Matthew J.~Roorda and Abolfazl Mohammadian and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {{T}oronto {A}rea Car Ownership Study: A Retrospective Interview
        and its Applications},
  year = 2000,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = 1719,
  pages = {69--76},
  abstract = {
        Recent work in the area of comprehensive transportation modeling
        systems in a microsimulation framework, more specifically auto
        ownership modeling, has recognized the need for increased
        experimentation with dynamic models. Implicitly, dynamic models
        require longitudinal data. A Toronto area car ownership study
        was conducted to design and administer a longitudinal survey to
        fulfill the data requirements for such a dynamic model, to
        validate the survey results, and to conduct preliminary
        analysis on those results. An in-depth retrospective telephone
        survey was conducted with the help of a computer aid in
        Toronto, Canada. Simple univariate analyses were conducted on
        the data to determine the relationship between characteristics
        of the household and the occurrence of vehicle transactions,
        the choice of vehicle type, the duration a vehicle is held, and the
        degree of consumer loyalty to different types of vehicles.
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, canada},
  status = {read},
  annote = {
        I read this after Mohammadian's later papers. It looks like they
        did collect home/employer locations during the surveys---why didn't
        they use this information?
  author = {Paul A.~Salvini},
  title = {Design and development of the {ILUTE} operational prototype: a
        comprehensive microsimulation model of urban systems},
  year = 2003,
  school = {University of Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering},
  address = {Toronto, ON, Canada},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute},
  status = {read}
  author = {Paul A.~Salvini and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {{ILUTE}: An Operational Prototype of a Comprehensive
        Microsimulation Model of Urban Systems},
  year = 2003,
  month = aug,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Travel
        Behavior Research},
  address = {Lucerne, Switzerland},
  url = {},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute},
  status = {read}
  author = {Harry J.P.~Timmermans},
  title = {The Saga of Integrated Land Use-Transport Modeling: How Many
        More Dreams Before We Wake Up?},
  year = 2003,
  month = aug,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Travel
        Behavior Research},
  address = {Lucerne, Switzerland},
  url = {},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, land use transport link},
  status = {read},
  annote = {
        He makes some very valid criticisms of integrated
        transportation/land use models. He has four things in particular
        that he'd like to see done: induction of principles of spatial
        behaviour; development of context and domain-specific behavioural
        models, where he complains about the use of multinomial logit
        models for residential location decisions, despite the fact that
        most households have very limited information and housing
        literature gives better models; development of truly integrated
        models, instead of cobbling together existing models and all of
        their assumptions; modelling of spatial planning and its effects on
        urban form, including P3s.
  author = {John Edward Abraham},
  title = { Parameter Estimation in Urban Models: Theory and Application
        to a Land Use Transport Interaction Model of the {S}acramento,
        {C}alifornia Region},
  year = 2000,
  school = {University of Calgary, Department of Civil Engineering},
  address = {Calgary, AB, Canada},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, land use transport link },
  url = {}
  author = {John Edward Abraham and John Douglas Hunt},
  title = {Dynamic microsimulation of heterogeneous spatial markets},
  year = 2001,
  month = jun,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Economics with
        Heterogeneous Interacting Agents},
  address = {Maastricht, The Netherlands},
  keywords = {transport modelling, spatial modelling, ilute}
  author = {John Edward Abraham and John Douglas Hunt},
  title = {Spatial market representations: concepts and application to
        integrated planning models},
  year = 2002,
  month = nov,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 49th Annual North American Meetings of
        the Regional Science Association International},
  address = {San Juan, Puerto Rico},
  keywords = {transport modelling, spatial modelling, ilute}
  author = {John Edward Abraham and John Douglas Hunt},
  title = {Market-based linkages in integrated land use transport
  year = 2003,
  month = mar,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Computers in Planning and Urban
        Management Conference},
  address = {Sendai, Japan},
  url = {},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute},
  abstract = {
        An economic market approach to urban system modelling is described,
        where all interactions are characterized as exchanges in a market.
        This leads to a natural partition of an integrated urban model
        into submodels based on the category of good or service being
        supplied or demanded, the type of agent making the demand or
        supply, and the time and place of interaction. Actors
        communicate through 6 defined operations on markets, decoupling
        the algorithms representing different behaviour. Agent based
        approaches to simulation are a natural extension of the market
        approach, allowing a transaction based simulation of
        heterogeneous spatial markets with individual agents making
        specific offers in specific places at specific times, and other
        agents accepting those offers at future specific times.
        Incorporating many existing modelling methods into such a
        framework requires a set of average prices by segmenting
        markets by commodity category, space and time, and wrapping the
        modules in interfaces that recast the inputs and ouputs into
        market operations. The paradigm is applied to two existing
        modelling frameworks: the Sacramento MEPLAN model and the
        Oregon statewide TLUMIP model.
  author = {William P.~Anderson and Pavlos S.~Kanaroglou and Eric
        J.~Miller and Ron N.~Buliung},
  title = {Simulating Automobile Emissions in an Integrated Urban Model},
  year = 1996,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = 1520,
  pages = {71--80},
  keywords = {transport planning, transport modelling, ilute},
  abstract = {
        The network component of an integrated urban model called IMULATE
        is interfaced with the MOBILE5.C emissions models. IMULATE
        produces estimates of traffic flows and average speeds on each
        link in an urban road network using a user equilibrium
        assignment algorithm. This information is combined with
        speed-dependent emissions factors generated by MOBILE5.C to
        calculate estimates of the three types of emissions on a
        link-by-link basis. The combined models are implemented for the
        Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, metropolitan area. Simulations are
        conducted to illustrate the spatial patterns of emissions in
        the morning peak period and to demonstrate the impact of
        congestion on emissions estimates. The incorporation of
        detailed network performance information yields significant
        benefits in the estimation of regional automobile emissions.
  author = {Daniel A.~Badoe and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {An automatic segmentation procedure for studying variations in
        mode choice behavior},
  year = 1998,
  journal = {Journal of Advanced Transportation},
  volume = 32,
  number = 2,
  pages = {190--215},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute},
  abstract = {
        Urban areas are very complex and heterogeneous in terms of their
        population composition and activity systems. The transit system,
        modal choices and service levels available to the population also
        varies considerably across space and time. These similarities
        and differences in choices and levels of explanatory variables
        facing individual tripmakers have to be explicitly considered
        in any study of transit behavior. The common practice has been
        to include user attributes, in addition to the system
        characteristics, in the modal utility functions to help capture
        differences in choice behavior across individuals. However, it
        could well be that the mode-choice behavior of a segment of the
        population is fundamentally different from other segments of
        the population. In view of this, some studies have applied
        segmentation schemes to help identify the subgroups of
        presumably different travel responses. Typically, such schemes
        have been based on stratification of the population by a single
        variable, chosen either based on a priori notions or one-way
        cross tabulations. This paper develops analytical procedure
        that simultaneously deals with level of service, socioeconomic
        and spatial factors to determine the relative role each plays
        in determining travel behavior. The procedure is applied to
        data from the Toronto region to illustrate its use.
  author = {Daniel A.~Badoe and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Modeling mode choice with data from two independent
        cross-sectional surveys: an investigation},
  year = 1998,
  journal = {Transportation Planning and Technology},
  volume = 21,
  pages = {235--261},
  keywords = {transport planning, transport modelling, ilute},
  abstract = {
        The prevailing practice in travel demand modelling is to estimate
        disaggregate models of mode choice with data from the most
        recent cross-sectional travel survey available on an urban area
        for forecasting purposes. Very often, however, most urban areas
        have available data from older cross-sectional surveys,
        which are often entirely ignored in the modelling
        effort. This paper explores the possibility of
        pooling data from two independent cross-sectional
        travel surveys on the same urban area for model
        estimation and forecasting by applying a model
        structure which allows for transfer-bias, referred
        to as the joint context estimation procedure. This
        procedure consists of joint, full information
        maximum likelihood estimation of a related set of
        logit choice models for the contexts which are
        based on the following two assumptions: (1)
        differences in model parameter values between
        contexts are expressible in terms of differences
        in the contexts' alternative-specific constants
        and overall scale of the contexts' utility
        functions; and (2) aside from these differences in
        alternative-specific constants and scales, model
        parameters are common across contexts. An
        empirical case study is presented, involving the
        use of two datasets, gathered 22 years apart (1964
        and 1986) for the Greater Toronto Area
        (GTA), to estimate morning peak period work trip
        mode choice models. The estimated models are
        applied in prediction tests on the 1964, 1986 and
        a third independent data set, the 1991-data, also
        collected in the GTA. The performance of the joint
        context models is compared to that of an
        independent model, estimated on the 1986 data
        only. The results clearly demonstrate that joint
        context estimation dominates the independent
        1986-model in predictive performance. The paper
        concludes by briefly discussing the possible
        roles, which joint context estimation might play
        in the development of improved transferability of
        disaggregate choice models.
  author = {Daniel A.~Badoe and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Transportation land-use interaction: empirical findings in
        {N}orth {A}merica, and their implications for modeling},
  year = 2000,
  journal = {Transportation Research D},
  volume = 5,
  number = 4,
  pages = {235--263},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, land use transport link}
  author = {Juan A.~Carrasco and Eric J.~Miller and B.~Wellman},
  title = {The Interaction Between Spatial and Social Networks: The Case
        of Social Activity-Travel},
  year = 2006,
  month = aug,
  booktitle = {Presented at the 11th International Association for Travel
        Behaviour Research Conference},
  address = {Kyoto, Japan},
  keywords = {travel behaviour, transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Christophe Claramunt and Christine Parent and Marius
  title = {Design patterns for spatio-temporal processes},
  booktitle = {Searching for Semantics: Data Mining, Reverse
  editor = {Stefano Spaccapietra and F.~Maryanski},
  year = 1997,
  publisher = {Chapman \& Hall},
  pages = {415--428},
  keywords = {computer science, geographic information systems, ilute},
  url = {}
  author = {Sean T.~Doherty},
  title = {Interactive methods for activity scheduling processes},
  year = 2002,
  booktitle = {Transportation Systems Planning: Methods and Applications},
  editor = {K.~Goulias},
  address = {New~York City, NY, USA},
  publisher = {CRC~Press},
  volume = 7,
  pages = {25--51},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Sean T.~Doherty and Kay W.~Axhausen and Tommy G{\"a}rling and
        Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {A Conceptual Model of the Weekly Household Activity-Travel
        Scheduling Process},
  year = 1998,
  month = apr,
  booktitle = {Network on European Communications and Transport
        Activities Euroconference},
  address = {Israel},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour}
  author = {Sean T.~Doherty and Kay W.~Axhausen},
  title = {The Development of a Unified Modeling Framework of the
        Household Activity-Travel Scheduling Process},
  year = 1999,
  booktitle = {Traffic and Mobility: Simulation-Economics-Environment},
  editor = {W.~Brilon and F.~Huber and M.~Schreckengerg and
  pages = {35--56},
  publisher = {Springer},
  address = {Berlin, Germany},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour}
  author = {Sean T.~Doherty and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Tracing the household activity scheduling process using a one
        week computer-based survey},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Association of Travel
        Behavior Research: Challenges and Opportunities in Travel Behavior
        Research and Applications},
  year = 1997,
  month = sep,
  address = {Austin, TX, USA},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour}
  author = {Sean T.~Doherty and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Activity patterns derived from a one-week household activity
        scheduling survey},
  year = 1998,
  month = jan,
  booktitle = {Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the
        Transportation Research Board},
  address = {Washington, D.C., USA},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour}
  author = {Sean T.~Doherty and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {A Computerized Household Activity Scheduling Survey},
  year = 2001,
  journal = {Transportation},
  volume = 27,
  number = 1,
  pages = {75--97},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour}
  author = {Sean T.~Doherty and Eric J.~Miller and Kay W.~Axhausen and
        Tommy G{\"a}rling},
  title = {A Conceptual Model of the Weekly Household Activity-Travel
        Scheduling Process},
  year = {2002},
  booktitle = {Travel Behaviour: Patterns, Implications and Modelling},
  editor = {E.~Stern and I.~Salomon and P.~Bovy},
  publisher = {Elgar Publishing},
  pages = {148--165},
  address = {Cheltenham, UK},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour},
  url = {}
  author = {Sean T.~Doherty and Abolfazl Mohammadian},
  title = {Application of Artificial Neural Network Models to Activity
        Scheduling Time Horizon},
  year = 2003,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = 1854,
  pages = {43--49},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour}
  author = {Sean T.~Doherty and Erika Nemeth and Matthew J.~Roorda and
        Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Design and Assessment of the {T}oronto {A}rea Computerized
        Household Activity Scheduling Survey},
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = 1894,
  pages = {140--149},
  year = 2004,
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, canada, travel behaviour}
  author = {Ilan Elgar and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {A Conceptual Model of Small Office Firm Location},
  year = 2006,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = 1977,
  pages = {190--196},
  keywords = {ilute, transport modelling, location choice}
  author = {A.~Elmi and Daniel A.~Badoe and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Transferability Analysis of Work-Trip Distribution Models},
  year = 1999,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = 1676,
  pages = {169--176},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, canada},
  abstract = {
        An empirical study of the temporal transferability properties of
        entropy-type trip-distribution models, applied within a fixed
        geographic region, is presented. Data for the study were drawn
        from three travel surveys conducted in 1964, 1986, and 1996 in
        the Toronto region. Very long transfer periods were examined,
        and a wide variety of model specifications were tested. These
        specifications ranged from the simple proportional flow model
        to an occupationally stratified, doubly constrained entropy
        model, for which spatial separation was measured by highway
        travel time. These models were estimated using data from 1964
        and 1986. The estimated 1964 models were transferred to 1986
        and 1996 to predict the distribution of travel. The 1986 models
        also were transferred to 1996 to predict the distribution of
        travel. Results showed that the travel-time parameter was not
        temporally stable. However, pragmatically, the transferred
        models were found to provide forecasts very comparable to those
        generated by models estimated in the respective application
        contexts. Improved model specification consistently resulted in
        improved precision of the forecasts obtained. In particular,
        stratification of the data by worker occupation category resulted
        in models with the best fit to estimation data, as well as
        forecasts. However, from a decision- oriented perspective, the
        improvement in precision obtained from additional complexity in
        specification did not warrant a recommendation for use of more
        complex models. Thus, the simple, doubly constrained entropy
        model with spatial separation measured by highway travel time
        appears satisfactory for use in practical modeling efforts.
  author = {Jeffrey Guan},
  title = {Population Synthesis for the {ILUTE} Model},
  year = 2001,
  type = {Working Paper},
  address = {Toronto, ON, Canada},
  institution = {Joint Program in Transportation, University of Toronto},
  keywords = {ilute, population synthesis}
  author = {Khandker M.N.~Habib and Ilan Elgar and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Stress Triggered Household Decision to Change Dwelling: A
        Simultaneous Dynamic Approach},
  year = 2006,
  month = aug,
  booktitle = {Presented at the 11th International Association for Travel
        Behaviour Research Conference},
  address = {Kyoto, Japan},
  keywords = {travel behaviour, transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Khandker M.N.~Habib and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Modelling Activity Generation: A Utility Based Model for
        Activity-Travel Demand},
  year = 2006,
  month = aug,
  booktitle = {Presented at the 11th International Association for Travel
        Behaviour Research Conference},
  address = {Kyoto, Japan},
  keywords = {travel behaviour, transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Khandker M.N.~Habib and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Modelling Individuals' Frequency and Time Allocation Behaviour
        for Shopping Activities Considering Household Level Random
  year = 2006,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = {forthcoming},
  keywords = {travel behaviour, transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Khandker M.N.~Habib and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Modelling Skeletal Components of Workers' Daily Activity
  year = 2006,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = {forthcoming},
  keywords = {travel behaviour, transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Murtaza Haider},
  title = {Spatio-temporal Modelling of Housing Starts in the {G}reater
        {T}oronto {A}rea},
  year = 2003,
  school = {University of Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering},
  address = {Toronto, ON, Canada},
  keywords = {spatial modelling, ilute, canada},
  url = {}
  author = {Murtaza Haider and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Effects of Transportation Infrastructure and Locational
        Elements on Residential Real Estate Values},
  year = 1999,
  month = jan,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Annual Transportation Research Board
  address = {Washington, D.C., USA},
  keywords = {spatial modelling, ilute, urban planning, land use transport link},
  url = {}
  author = {Murtaza Haider and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Effects of Infrastructure and Locational Elements on
        Residential Real Estate Values: An Application of Autoregressive
  year = 2000,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = 1722,
  pages = {1--8},
  abstract = {
        Proximity to transportation infrastructure (highways and public
        transit) influences residential real estate values. Housing
        values also are influenced by propinquity to a shopping
        facility or a recreational amenity. Spatial autoregressive
        (SAR) models were used to estimate the impact of locational
        elements on the price of residential properties sold during
        1995 in the Greater Toronto Area. A large data set consisting
        of 27,400 freehold sales was used in the study. Moran's I was
        estimated to determine the effects of spatial autocorrelation
        that existed in housing values. SAR models, using a combination
        of locational influences, neighborhood characteristics, and
        structural attributes, explained 83\% variance in housing
        values. Using the ``comparable sales approach,'' a spatiotemporal
        lag variable was estimated for every property in the database.
        This research discovered that SAR models offered a better fit
        than nonspatial models. This study also discovered that in the
        presence of other explanatory variables, locational and
        transportation factors were not strong determinants of housing
        values. On the other hand, the number of washrooms and the
        average household income in a neighborhood were found to be
        significant determinants of housing values. Stepwise regression
        techniques were used to determine reduced spatial hedonic
  keywords = {ilute, canada, urban planning, land use transport link}
  author = {Murtaza Haider},
  title = {Modeling Location Choices of Housing Builders in the {G}reater
        {T}oronto, {C}anada, {A}rea},
  year = 2004,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = 1898,
  pages = {148--156},
  keywords = {spatial modelling, ilute, canada, urban planning}
  author = {Antoine Haroun and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {A descriptive analysis of a region-wide residential mobility
  year = 1999,
  month = nov,
  howpublished = {Presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the North
        American Regional Science Association},
  address = {Montreal, QC, Canada},
  keywords = {ilute, transport modelling, travel behaviour}
  author = {John Douglas Hunt and John Edward Abraham},
  title = {Design and application of the {PECAS} land use modelling
  year = 2003,
  month = may,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
        Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM)},
  address = {Sendai, Japan},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute},
  url = {}
  author = {Azhar Shah Khan and John Edward Abraham and John Douglas Hunt},
  title = {Agent-based microsimulation of business establishments},
  year = 2002,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 42nd Congress of the European Regional
        Science Association},
  publisher = {European Regional Science Assocation},
  address = {Dortmund, Germany},
  url = {},
  abstract = {
        This paper describes the development and testing of a
        microsimulation of the evolution of individual ''business
        establishments'' (BEs) in an economy. The work is part of a
        larger program of research and development of a model of all
        the transportation and land development processes in an entire
        spatial economic system. The simulation uses comparatively
        simple, yet behavioural, rules and probabilistic models, using
        a Monte Carlo process to simulate behaviour from the
        probabilistic models. A BE is described primarily by its
        business transactions - its purchases and sales of standard
        commodity categories, called its ``consumption function'' and
        ``production function'' respectively. Make and Use tables from
        traditional input-output models are used to determine these
        relationships for a particular industry, and individual BEs
        randomly vary around the industry average. Labour, floorspace
        and final demand are included as commodities, to bind the BEs
        to a given built form in a spatial system and to the patterns
        of population. Thus a BE is described in terms of how big it
        is, and its ``technical coefficients'' describing what it
        purchases and sells.

        The market for each commodity type is spatially disaggregated,
        and BEs in a given location can sell or purchase their commodities
        in a variety of different ``exchange zones'' that they are
        willing to ship goods or services from or to. Prices at
        exchange zones are adjusted over time so that, if the system is
        allowed to reach equilibrium, the market for each commodity in
        each exchange will be cleared. The BE's market choice model is
        used to develop measures of the attractiveness of selling or
        purchasing commodities when located in a zone. These measures
        of commodity attractiveness are used with the production
        function and consumption function to determine how attractive a
        location is for a given BE and how well it is performing. A
        BE's growth (positive and negative) and its probability of
        bankruptcy (death) are based on the measure of location
        attractiveness. Relocation pressures are based on the measure
        of location attractiveness, as well as a composite measure of
        the attractiveness of all other zones in the system and the
        (fixed) attractiveness of leaving the model region entirely.
        Relocating BEs vacate floorspace in a particular physical
        location (a ``grid cell'') and then, if necessary, acquire new
        floorspace in a grid cell in a different zone. As a successful
        BE grows it is increasingly likely to split into two separate
        BEs, either as a duplication of function into another location,
        or a separation of business functions into separate locations. In
        addition, entrepreneurial business ideas are set up as ``Proto
        BEs'', which are business ideas that are being evaluated in any
        one year. A ``Proto BE'' that is in an attractive location in one
        year is likely to become an actual BE in the next year. Within
        each zone, the land is represented as ``grid cells'', which are
        finite quantities of land with a particular type and quantity
        of floorspace and a particular building age. The prices for
        each floorspace type in each zone, along with the age, type and
        quantity of floorspace in each grid cell, are used to calculate
        the probability that the land owner will choose to undertake
        development, redevelopment, renovation or demolition in the
        grid cell. The test system is represented using a 10x10 system
        of zones and a network of transport connecting the zones with
        reasonable travel times and costs. This system is used to test
        the role of the various parameters, to determine reasonable
        values for the parameters, how the model behaves when parameter
        values are unreasonable, and how each parameter influences the
        model system. A set of ``policy input'' scenarios are also
        developed, to show how the modelling system can be used to test
        the policy response. These include decreased development costs,
        increased travel costs and changed land-use zoning regulations.
  keywords = {ilute, spatial modelling}
  author = {M.~Kreitz and Sean T.~Doherty},
  title = {Spatial Behavioral Data, Collection and Use in Activity
        Scheduling Models},
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  doi = {10.3141/1804-17},
  volume = 1804,
  year = 2002,
  pages = {126--133},
  address = {Washington, D.C., USA},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Ming S.~Lee and Sean T.~Doherty and Ramesh Sabetiashraf and
        Michael G.~Mc{N}ally},
  title = {{iCHASE}: An {I}nternet Computerized Household Activity
        Scheduling Elicitor Survey},
  year = 1999,
  month = nov,
  institution = {Center for Activity Systems Analysis},
  number = {UCI-ITS-AS-WP-99-1},
  url = {\&context=itsirvine/casa},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute},
  abstract = {
        The primary goal of activity-based models is a fundamental
        examination of the behavioral process that results in revealed
        travel behavior. To reveal this process, a new computer
        program, iCHASE, has been developed to collect data for a study
        of the determinants of travel and activity behavior in
        households. These data are inherently dynamic, since
        respondents record planned activity schedules and then update
        these schedules on a daily basis, fully defined in time and
        space. The resultant data will facilitate the identification of
        fundamental inter-relationships among a comprehensive range of
        revealed travel and activity participation variables, leading
        toward the identification of the critical variables,
        relationships and rules that govern that behavior. It is believed
        that an Internet-based travel survey, particularly one as rich
        in resultant content as iCHASE, will significantly reduce data
        collection costs, improve data quality and quantity and allow
        for continuous data collection.
  author = {Marek Litwin and Sean Doherty and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Investigating competition patterns in the household activity
        scheduling processes},
  year = 2004,
  month = jan,
  booktitle = {Presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the
        Transportation Research Board},
  address = {Washington, D.C., USA},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour},
  abstract = {
        Recent developments in the area of dynamic household activity
        scheduling require better understanding of the behavioural
        aspects of scheduling processes within households, and, in
        particular, formation and modification of the provisional
        schedule, conflict resolution, and rescheduling processes.  The
        goal of this paper is to identify and examine scheduling
        processes within households using data collected in Quebec City
        using the Computerized Household Activity Scheduling Elicitor
        (CHASE) survey software.  CHASE addresses the problems of
        detailed data collection not only concerning activities and
        travel per se, but also scheduling behaviour processes
        themselves, including dynamic modifications to the schedule
        during its execution phase.  Univariate analysis performed on
        the CHASE data provides insights and correlations between
        household characteristics and the nature of these processes but
        also questions the activity scheduling approach based on
        generic activity type classification rules.
  author = {Marek Litwin and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Investigation of household activity behaviour---descriptive
  howpublished = {Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian
        Regional Science Association},
  address = {Toronto, ON, Canada},
  year = 2002,
  month = jun,
  keywords = {ilute, transport modelling, travel behaviour}
  author = {Marek Litwin and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Agenda formation: evolution of activity sequencing within an
        event-driven time-series based framework},
  year = 2004,
  month = may,
  booktitle = {Presented at the EIRASS Conference on Progress in
        Activity-Based Analysis},
  address = {Maastricht, The Netherlands},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, canada, travel behaviour},
  abstract = {
        This paper provides a quantitative analysis and comparison between
        the recent Toronto Activity Panel Survey CHASE (Computerized
        Household Activity Scheduling Elicitor) dataset and a
        previously collected Quebec City CHASE dataset with the focus
        on household agenda formation.

        The CHASE datasets were analyzed in the context of a newly
        developed event-driven time-series based activity scheduling
        framework that explicitly incorporates individuals' agenda
        formation.  The modelling framework, based on McTaggart's
        concept of time, has two levels of agenda abstraction:
        conceptual and perceptual, where the second level of
        abstraction includes provisional sequences of activity
        episodes.  CHASE has been designed to provide detailed
        observation of scheduling processes and agenda formation.  In
        particular it allows one to trace activity schedule evolution
        from the planning phase, through modification phases to the
        execution phase.  An original computer algorithm has been
        applied to the datasets to allow the analyst to visualize the
        development of provisional activity sequences.
  author = {Marek Litwin and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Event-driven time-series based dynamic model of decision
        making processes: philosophical background and conceptual
  year = 2004,
  month = jan,
  booktitle = {Presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the
        Transportation Research Board},
  address = {Washington, D.C., USA},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour},
  abstract = {
        The time dimension in decision-making and activity scheduling
        models in both conceptual and operational applications is a
        critical issue.  A crude conceptualization of time in current
        models creates a number of problems with representing dynamic
        decision-making processes and limits the potential of existing
        models.  Event-Driven Time-Series Based Dynamic Model of
        Decision Making Processes is a proposition of a modeling
        framework that attempts to simulate the natural way of
        decision-making and scheduling behaviour which transforms
        agent's ideas from their conceptual phase through a provisional
        schedule to eventually executed activity patterns.  It is based
        on concepts of time in philosophy and science of social
        behaviour and psychology.  The Event-Driven Time-Series Based
        Dynamic Model links short-term scheduling with long-term
        planning and lifetime decision-making.  This provides a natural
        link with car ownership or land use models and also provides
        for a dynamic interface with microsimulation models of network
        performance sensitive to short-term fluctuations of traffic
        condition.  The model explicitly utilizes conceptual
        and perceptual time-spaces and exploits non-linearity
        and multidimensionality of decision-making time-space.
        The decision-making agents explicitly recognize a time
        horizon and their decision-making behaviour is driven
        by events.
  author = {Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Propositions for Modelling Household Decision-Making},
  year = 2005,
  booktitle = {Integrated Land-Use and Transportation Models: Behavioural
  editor = {Martin Lee-Gosselin and Sean T.~Doherty},
  address = {Oxford, UK},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  pages = {21--60},
  keywords = {travel behaviour, transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {An Integrated Framework for Modelling Short- and Long-Run
        Household Decision-Making},
  year = 2005,
  booktitle = {Progress in Activity-Based Analysis},
  editor = {Harry J.P.~Timmermans},
  address = {Oxford, UK},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  pages = {175--202},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Project-Based Activity Scheduling for Household and Person
  year = 2005,
  editor = {H.S.~Mahmassani},
  booktitle = {Transportation and Traffic Theory, Flow, Dynamics and
        Human Interaction: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium
        on Transportation and Traffic Theory},
  address = {Oxford, UK},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  pages = {565--584},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and Antoine Haroun},
  title = {A Microsimulation Model of Residential Housing Markets},
  year = 2000,
  month = jul,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Ninth International Association of Travel
        Behaviour Research Conference},
  address = {Gold Coast, Australia},
  keywords = {ilute, transport modelling, urban planning}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and John Douglas Hunt},
  title = {{I}ntegrated {L}and {U}se, {T}ransportation and {E}nvironment
        ({ILUTE}) Modeling in {C}anada},
  year = 2002,
  month = jul,
  booktitle = {Presented at the {T}hird {O}regon {S}ymposium on Integrated
        Land Use and Transport Models},
  address = {Portland, OR, USA},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, land use transport link},
  url = { }
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and David S.~Kriger and John Douglas Hunt},
  title = {A research and development program for integrated urban
  year = 1999,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = 1685,
  pages = {169--176},
  abstract = {
        The case is presented for a new, coordinated research and
        development (R\&D) program designed to improve significantly
        the operational state of practice in integrated urban modeling.
        First, the authors' view of an ``ideal'' integrated urban
        modeling system is described. If developed, this modeling
        system should be capable of incorporating the best possible
        understanding of transportation and land use interactions and
        of addressing planning and analysis needs. Also discussed
        briefly are current operational modeling capabilities as
        related to the proposed ideal model. Finally, a multiyear R\&D
        program that was designed to move current practice
        significantly toward the operationalization of the ideal model
        is detailed.
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, land use transport link, transit}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and Peter J.~Noehammer and David R.~Ross},
  title = {A microsimulation model of residential mobility},
  year = 1987,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport,
        Communication and Urban Form: 2 Analytical Techniques and Case
  editor = {W.~Young},
  address = {Clayton, Australia},
  institution = {Monash University},
  pages = {217--234},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and Matthew J.~Roorda},
  title = {A Prototype Model of 24-Hour Household Activity Scheduling for
        the {T}oronto {A}rea},
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  year = 2003,
  volume = 1831,
  pages = {114--121},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, canada, travel behaviour}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and Matthew J.~Roorda},
  title = {A Prototype Model of Household Activity/Travel Scheduling},
  year = 2003,
  month = jan,
  booktitle = {Presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board},
  address = {Washington, D.C., USA},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour},
  url = {}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and Matthew J.~Roorda and Juan A.~Carrasco},
  title = {A Tour-Based Model of Travel Mode Choice},
  year = 2003,
  month = aug,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Travel
        Behavior Research},
  address = {Lucerne, Switzerland},
  url = {},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour},
  annote = {
        Interesting and useful.

        I find one assumption dubious: the decision to use a car for one part of
        a chain requires its use for the rest of the chain. In a city like
        Toronto where downtown parking is very inconvenient, I might drive
        downtown, park, and then do a long chain of trips on foot before
        returning to the car.
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and Matthew J.~Roorda and Juan A.~Carrasco},
  title = {A Tour-Based Model of Travel Mode Choice},
  year = 2005,
  month = jul,
  journal = {Transportation},
  volume = 32,
  number = 4,
  pages = {399--422},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and Matthew J.~Roorda and Murtaza Haider and
        Abolfazl Mohammadian},
  title = {An Empirical Analysis of Travel and Housing Expenditures in
        the {G}reater {T}oronto {A}rea},
  year = 2004,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = 1898,
  pages = {191--201},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, canada, urban planning, transport planning}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and Matthew J.~Roorda and Christopher
        A.~Kennedy and Amer S.~Shalaby and Heather L.~Mac{L}ean},
  title = {Activity-Based, Multi-Modal Modelling of Travel Behaviour for
        Urban Design},
  year = 2006,
  month = may,
  type = {Final project report to {T}ransport {C}anada},
  institution = {Joint Program in Transportation, University of Toronto},
  address = {Toronto, ON, Canada},
  keywords = {ilute, transport modelling, travel behaviour}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and Paul A.~Salvini},
  title = {The {I}ntegrated {L}and {U}se, {T}ransportation, {E}nvironment
        ({ILUTE}) Modeling System: A Framework},
  year = 1998,
  month = jan,
  booktitle = {Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the
        Transportation Research Board},
  address = {Washington, D.C., USA},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Eric J.~Miller and Paul A.~Salvini},
  title = {The {I}ntegrated {L}and {U}se, {T}ransportation, {E}nvironment
        ({ILUTE}) Modeling System: Description \& Current Status},
  year = 2001,
  booktitle = {The Leading Edge in Travel Behaviour Research},
  editor = {D.~Hensher},
  address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
  publisher = {Pergamon},
  pages = {711--724},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Abolfazl Mohammadian},
  title = {Dynamic Modelling of Household Automobile Transactions within
        a Microsimulation Framework},
  year = 2001,
  school = {University of Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering},
  address = {Toronto, ON, Canada},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Abolfazl Mohammadian and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {A Comprehensive and Operational Modeling Framework for
        Automobile Ownership in an Integrated Land-Use, Transportation and
        Environment Modeling System},
  year = 2000,
  month = jun,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Transportation Specialty Conference
        of CSCE},
  address = {London, ON, Canada},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Abolfazl Mohammadian and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Nested Logit Models and Artificial Neural Networks for
        Predicting Household Automobile Choices},
  year = 2002,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = 1807,
  pages = {92--100},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour}
  author = {Winnie Poon},
  title = {An Investigation into Residential Relocation Rules and
  year = 2002,
  school = {University of Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering},
  address = {Toronto, ON, Canada},
  keywords = {ilute, transport modelling}
  author = {A.~Pushkar},
  title = {Modelling household residential search processes: methodology
        and preliminary results of an original survey},
  year = 1998,
  school = {University of Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering},
  address = {Toronto, ON, Canada},
  keywords = {ilute, transport modelling}
  author = {G.~Rindsf{\"u}ser and H.~M{\"u}hlhans and Sean T.~Doherty and
  title = {Tracing the planning and execution of activities and their
        attributes: design and application of a hand-held scheduling
        process survey},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Travel
        Behaviour Research},
  address = {Lucerne, Switzerland},
  year = 2003,
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Matthew J.~Roorda},
  title = {{T}oronto {A}rea Car Ownership Study: A Retrospective
        Interview and its Applications},
  year = 1998,
  school = {University of Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering},
  address = {Toronto, ON, Canada},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, canada}
  author = {Matthew J.~Roorda and Juan A.~Carrasco and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {A Joint Model of Car Ownership and Activity Scheduling},
  year = 2006,
  month = aug,
  booktitle = {Presented at the 11th International Association for Travel
        Behaviour Research Conference},
  address = {Kyoto, Japan},
  keywords = {travel behaviour, transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Matthew J.~Roorda and Sean Doherty and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Operationalising Household Activity Scheduling Models:
        Addressing Assumptions and Using New Sources of Behavioural Data},
  booktitle = {Behavioural Foundations of Integrated Land-Use and
        Transportation Models: Assumptions and New Conceptual Frameworks},
  editor = {Martin Lee-Gosselin and Sean T.~Doherty},
  year = 2005,
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  address = {New York City, NY, USA},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour}
  author = {Matthew J.~Roorda and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Strategies for Resolving Activity Scheduling Conflicts: An
        Empirical Analysis},
  year = 2003,
  month = may,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the EIRASS Conference on Progress in
        Activity-Based Analysis},
  address = {Maastricht, The Netherlands},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour}
  author = {Matthew J.~Roorda and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Toronto Activity Panel Survey: Demonstrating the Benefits of
        a Multiple Instrument Panel Survey},
  year = 2004,
  month = aug,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on
        Travel Survey Methods},
  address = {Costa Rica},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, canada}
  author = {Matthew J.~Roorda and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Strategies for Resolving Activity Scheduling Conflicts: An
        Empirical Analysis},
  year = 2005,
  booktitle = {Progress in Activity-Based Analysis},
  editor = {Harry J.P.~Timmermans},
  address = {Oxford, UK},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  pages = {203--222},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour}
  author = {Matthew J.~Roorda and Eric J.~Miller and Nick Kruchten},
  title = {Incorporating Within-Household Interactions into a Mode Choice
        Model Using a Genetic Algorithm for Parameter Estimation},
  year = 2006,
  journal = {Transportation Research Record},
  volume = {forthcoming},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute, travel behaviour}
  author = {Paul A.~Salvini and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {{ILUTE}: An Operational Prototype of a Comprehensive
        Microsimulation Model of Urban Systems},
  year = 2005,
  journal = {Networks and Spatial Economics},
  volume = 5,
  pages = {217--234},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute}
  author = {Corinne Schuster and Sean Doherty and Matthew J.~Roorda and
        James Khan and Ron Buliung and Murtaza Haider and John Douglas
  title = {Disaggregate behaviour in urban areas: a review of the
        theories, approaches and models},
  booktitle = {International Colloqium on the Behavioural Foundations of
        Integrated Land-Use and Transportation Models: Assumptions and New
        Conceptual Frameworks},
  year = 2002,
  month = jun,
  address = {Quebec City, QC, Canada},
  keywords = {transport modelling, ilute},
  abstract = {
        This paper will explore disaggregate approaches to modeling urban
        systems, organizing recent research, approaches, techniques and
        assumptions. As we know, the advantage of disaggregate
        approaches are that they begin with the individual, the finest
        resolution, enabling aggregation without losing valuable
        information. There is no single modeling technique that can
        provide a useful simulation of individual behaviour within the
        urban system. Instead, a variety of approaches must be
        integrated within a macro model. Each has differing
        assumptions, strengths and weaknesses. The paper will establish
        the players, decisions made and outcomes of modeling urban
        systems. Given these categories, a review of current literature
        demonstrates the emerging approaches for different aspects of
        the urban system model, identifies strengths and weaknesses and
        examines underlying assumptions and data collection techniques.
  author = {Amer S.~Shalaby and Eric J.~Miller},
  title = {Travel in the {G}reater {T}oronto {A}rea: Past and current
        behaviour and relation to urban form},
  year = 2000,
  month = jan,
  type = {The {N}eptis {F}oundation Study},
  institution = {University of Toronto},
  address = {Toronto, ON, Canada},
  keywords = {transport planning, urban planning, ilute, canada, urban form, land use transport link}
  author = {Marius Th{\'e}riault and Christophe Claramunt and
  title = {A spatio-temporal taxonomy for the representation of
        spatial set behaviours},
  booktitle = {Spatio-temporal Database Management},
  editor = {M.~B{\"o}hlen and C.~Jensen and M.~Scholl},
  year = 1999,
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  series = {LNCS},
  number = 1678,
  pages = {1--19},
  keywords = {computer science, geographic information systems, ilute},
  url = {}

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