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@COMMENT{{Command line: /usr/bin/bib2bib -ob keyword_greenhouse_gases.bib -c 'keywords: "greenhouse gases"' ref.bib}}
@BOOK{Mon07, author = {George Monbiot}, title = {Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning}, year = 2007, publisher = {South End Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA, USA}, status = {read}, rating = 5, keywords = {greenhouse gases, energy, transport planning} }
@ARTICLE{NorMacKen06, author = {Jonathan Norman and Heather L.~Mac{L}ean and Christopher A.~Kennedy}, title = {Comparing High and Low Residential Density: Life-Cycle Analysis of Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions}, year = 2006, month = MAR, journal = {Journal of Urban Planning and Development}, volume = 132, number = 1, pages = {10--21}, doi = {10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9488(2006)132:1(10)}, keywords = {greenhouse gases, urban form, canada, lifecycle analysis, toronto}, url = {http://www.growingsensibly.org/cmapdfs/Comparing%20High%20and%20Low%20Resedential%20Density%20-%20Life%20Cycly%20Analysis%20of%20Energy%20Use%20and%20Greenhouse%20Gas%20Emmissions.pdf}, status = {read} }
@ARTICLE{PacSoc04, author = {S.~Pacala and R.~Socolow}, title = {Stabilization Wedges: Solving the Climate Problem for the Next 50 Years with Current Technologies}, year = 2004, journal = {Science}, volume = 305, month = AUG, pages = {968--972}, status = {read}, keywords = {greenhouse gases, transport planning, energy}, url = {http://carbonsequestration.us/Papers-presentations/htm/Pacala-Socolow-ScienceMag-Aug2004.pdf} }
@INCOLLECTION{KahKobBeuGasGreLeeMurNewPloSpeWitZho07, author = {S.~{Kahn Ribeiro} and S.~Kobayashi and M.~Beuthe and J.~Gasca and D.~Greene and D.S.~Lee and Y.~Muromachi and P.J.~Newton and S.~Plotkin and D.~Sperling and R.~Wit and P.J.~Zhou}, title = {Transport and its infrastructure}, year = 2007, chapter = 5, editor = { B.~Metz and O.R.~Davidson and P.R.~Bosch and R.~Dave and L.A.~Meyer}, booktitle = {Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, status = {read}, url = {http://arch.rivm.nl/env/int/ipcc/pages_media/FAR4docs/final%20pdfs%20of%20chapters%20WGIII/IPCC%20WGIII_chapter%205_final.pdf}, keywords = {greenhouse gases, transport planning, energy} }
@ARTICLE{AndKanMilBul96, author = {William P.~Anderson and Pavlos S.~Kanaroglou and Eric J.~Miller and Ron N.~Buliung}, title = {Simulating Automobile Emissions in an Integrated Urban Model}, year = 1996, journal = {Transportation Research Record}, volume = 1520, pages = {71--80}, keywords = {transport planning, transport modelling, ilute, greenhouse gases}, abstract = { The network component of an integrated urban model called IMULATE is interfaced with the MOBILE5.C emissions models. IMULATE produces estimates of traffic flows and average speeds on each link in an urban road network using a user equilibrium assignment algorithm. This information is combined with speed-dependent emissions factors generated by MOBILE5.C to calculate estimates of the three types of emissions on a link-by-link basis. The combined models are implemented for the Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, metropolitan area. Simulations are conducted to illustrate the spatial patterns of emissions in the morning peak period and to demonstrate the impact of congestion on emissions estimates. The incorporation of detailed network performance information yields significant benefits in the estimation of regional automobile emissions. } }
@TECHREPORT{EwiBarWinWalChe07, author = {Reid Ewing and Keith Bartholomew and Steve Winkelman and Jerry Walters and Don Chen}, title = {Growing Cooler: The Evidence on Urban Development and Climate Change}, year = 2007, institution = {Urban Land Institute}, url = {http://www.uli.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Search§ion=Policy_Papers2&template=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentFileID=32909}, keywords = {land use transport link, greenhouse gases} }
@TECHREPORT{FeiHoyMcNMooCamLea03, author = {Sharon Feigon and David Hoyt and Lisa Mc{N}ally and Ryan Mooney-Bullock and Sara Campbell and Dennis Leach}, title = {Travel Matters: Mitigating Climate Change With Sustainable Surface Transportation}, year = 2003, type = {Report}, number = 93, institution = {Transit Cooperative Research Program, Transportation Research Board}, address = {Washington, D.C.}, url = {http://www.trb.org/publications/tcrp/tcrp_rpt_93.pdf&ei=EQo9R5v8K4rWigG0seCYCA&usg=AFQjCNGdHBFJhGgH8kEyYZHYRuyf5fUUPw&sig2=nP9bG43DTunxOI8uzz4PLA}, keywords = {transport planning, greenhouse gases} }
@UNPUBLISHED{FleXX, author = {David Fleming}, title = {Energy and The Common Purpose: Descending the Energy Staircase with {T}radeable {E}nergy {Q}uotas ({TEQ}s)}, note = {Internet}, url = {http://www.teqs.net/book/teqs.pdf}, keywords = {greenhouse gases, energy} }
@ARTICLE{Fra98, author = {Lawrence D.~Frank}, title = {Improving Air Quality through Growth Management and Travel Reduction Strategies}, year = 1998, journal = {Journal of Urban Planning and Development}, volume = 124, number = 1, pages = {11--32}, keywords = {transport planning, transportation demand management, urban form, greenhouse gases}, abstract = { Land-use impacts on travel demand and vehicle emissions is emerging as a topic of major interest, as several regions around the nation struggle to demonstrate conformance with the requirements of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA). The implementation of the CAAA threatens the withholding of federal transportation funding from several regions unable to demonstrate the ability to meet milestone reductions in emissions required by the CAAA. A case study of a network of policies emerging in Washington State as part of growth management efforts is presented. These policies, when coupled with federal clean air (CAAA) and surface transportation legislation (ISTEA), provide a framework for the implementation of land-use strategies that are associated with less vehicular travel and emissions. A review of the land development and transportation investment policies espoused in newly adopted local comprehensive plans in the Central Puget Sound Region of Washington State are presented. This review indicates a shift toward planning solutions that could result in reduced vehicle emissions if implemented. } }
@ARTICLE{Hun03, author = {John Douglas Hunt}, title = {Modelling Transportation Policy Impacts on Mobility Benefits and {K}yoto-Protocol-Related Emissions}, journal = {Built Environment}, year = 2003, volume = 29, number = 1, pages = {48--65}, keywords = {transport planning, greenhouse gases} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{McNHel02, author = {Ryan Mc{N}ally and Bruce Hellinga}, title = {Estimating the Impact of Demographics and Automotive Technologies on Greenhouse Gas Emissions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference of the {C}anadian {I}nstitution of {T}ransportation {E}ngineers}, year = 2002, month = MAY, address = {Ottawa, ON, Canada}, keywords = {transport planning, canada, greenhouse gases}, url = {http://gorge.uwaterloo.ca/bhelling/Publications Page/Publications/ITE 2002 GHG Emissions 2.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{McNHel02b, author = {Ryan Mc{N}ally and Bruce Hellinga}, title = {The {K}yoto {GHG} Emissions Targets: What Can We Expect from the Road Transportation Sector}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference of the {T}ransportation {A}ssociation of {C}anada}, year = 2002, keywords = {transport planning, canada, greenhouse gases}, url = {http://gorge.uwaterloo.ca/bhelling/Publications Page/Publications/TAC 2002 GHG Emissions.pdf} }
@TECHREPORT{Mey05, author = {Aubrey Meyer}, title = {Contraction and Convergence: The Global Solution to Climate Change}, year = 2005, type = {Schumacher Briefing}, number = 5, institution = {Green Books}, address = {Totnes, Devon, UK}, keywords = {greenhouse gases, energy} }
@TECHREPORT{MilHas93, author = {Eric J.~Miller and M.I.~Hassounah}, title = {Quantitative Analysis of Urban Transportation Energy Use and Emissions: Phase {I} Final Report}, year = 1993, institution = {University of Toronto Joint Program in Transportation}, address = {Toronto, ON, Canada}, keywords = {transport planning, energy, greenhouse gases} }
@ARTICLE{SobMil99, author = {Richard M.~Soberman and Eric J.~Miller}, title = {Impacts of full cost pricing on the sustainability of urban transportation: towards {C}anada's {K}yoto commitment}, year = 1999, month = JUN, journal = {Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering}, volume = 26, number = 3, pages = {345--354}, keywords = {transport planning, canada, congestion pricing, energy, greenhouse gases} }
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