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@incollection{Enx99, author = {Gerd Enxing}, title = {Decision Behaviour of Advanced Producer Services with Regard to the Choice of Location}, year = 1999, chapter = 14, booktitle = {Demography of Firms: Spatial Dynamics of Firm Behaviour}, editor = {van Dijk, Jouke and Piet H.~Pellenbarg}, publisher = {Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap/Netherlands Geographical Studies}, volume = 262, address = {Utrecht/Groningen, The Netherlands}, issn = {0169-4839}, pages = {271--283}, status = {read}, keywords = {firm behaviour, demography of firms, location choice} }
@inproceedings{Pel05, author = {Piet H.~Pellenbarg}, title = {Firm migration in the {N}etherlands}, year = 2005, month = aug, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 45th {E}uropean {R}egional {S}cience {A}ssociation Congress}, address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, status = {read}, keywords = {location choice, firm behaviour, demography of firms} }
@incollection{vanWis99, author = {van Wissen, Leo}, title = {A micro-simulation model of firms, applications of concepts of the demography of the firm}, year = 1999, chapter = 2, booktitle = {Demography of Firms: Spatial Dynamics of Firm Behaviour}, editor = {van Dijk, Jouke and Piet H.~Pellenbarg}, publisher = {Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap/Netherlands Geographical Studies}, address = {Utrecht/Groningen, The Netherlands}, issn = {0169-4839}, pages = {15--48}, status = {read}, keywords = {demography of firms, firm behaviour, location choice} }
@article{BroMarvanOmm04, author = {Aleid E.~Brouwer and Ilaria Mariotti and van Ommeren, Jos N.}, title = {The firm relocation decision: An empirical investigation}, year = 2004, journal = {The Annals of Regional Science}, volume = 38, number = 2, pages = {335--347}, doi = {10.1007/s00168-004-0198-5}, issn = {0570-1864}, keywords = {firm behaviour, demography of firms, location choice} }
@article{Lou00, author = {Erik Louw}, title = {The production of business sites in the {N}etherlands}, year = 2000, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie}, volume = 91, number = 1, pages = {85--91}, keywords = {demography of firms, firm behaviour} }
@phdthesis{Mao05, author = {Hannah F.~Maoh}, title = {Modeling Firm Demography in Urban Areas with an Application to {H}amilton, {O}ntario: Toward an Agent-Based Microsimulation Model}, year = 2005, school = {McMaster University}, address = {Hamilton, ON, Canada}, keywords = {demography of firms, location choice} }
@phdthesis{Sta03, author = {Frederik C.~Stam}, title = {Why Butterflies Don't Leave: Locational Evolution of Evolving Enterprises}, year = 2003, school = {Proefschrift Universiteit Utrecht}, address = {Utrecht, The Netherlands}, status = {read}, url = {http://igitur-archive.library.uu.nl/dissertations/2003-0922-092752/inhoud.htm}, keywords = {demography of firms, firm behaviour, location choice} }
@incollection{vanOorvanderKna99, author = {van Oort, Frank and van der Knaap, Bert}, title = {New Firm Formation, Employment Growth and the Local Environment: Empirical Observations in {S}outh {H}olland}, year = 1999, chapter = 8, booktitle = {Demography of Firms: Spatial Dynamics of Firm Behaviour}, editor = {van Dijk, Jouke and Piet H.~Pellenbarg}, publisher = {Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap/Netherlands Geographical Studies}, volume = 262, address = {Utrecht/Groningen, The Netherlands}, issn = {0169-4839}, pages = {173--203}, keywords = {firm behaviour, demography of firms} }
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