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Freecloth 0.7.0 API


This manual is aimed at developers using the Freecloth library. More details of the internals of Freecloth can be found in the Freecloth Internals manual, which is an expanded version of this document. The internals manual also describes the layers used by the cloth test application.


The Freecloth source is divided into layers. Each layer can depend on code in layers beneath it, but cannot reference layers above it. This structure helps to reduce the dependencies between source files, and to organise the source code into general groupings. Classes within each layer have a special prefix.

The individual layers are described below, starting from the lowest layers. The layer's prefix is shown in parentheses. All of these layers are contained in the freecloth namespace.

The remaining layers in the source distribution are used by the cloth test application, and are not required by the simulator.

The best starting point for understanding the use of the Freecloth library is the freecloth::SimSimulator class, which draws in the other classes when needed. Clients will also need to use the GeMeshBuilder class to construct a mesh for input to the simulation.

Generated on Wed Apr 23 15:58:45 2003 for Freecloth by doxygen1.3-rc3